What Class Of Animals Does The Muskrat Belong To?

What Class Of Animals Does The Muskrat Belong To?
What Class Of Animals Does The Muskrat Belong To?

The muskrat, also widely known as the muskrat, like many other animals, belongs to the class of mammals, belongs to the subfamily of the so-called voles of the order of rodents.


What are they - muskrats?

According to the researchers, only one single species is known in muskrats today - the muskrat itself. The homeland of these semi-aquatic rodents is North America, however, they have been quite successfully acclimatized in Eurasia, including Russia.

Visually, muskrats are similar to large rats - one of the names of the animals is associated with this. However, their sizes are much larger than those of gray rats. According to observations made by biologists, usually adults weigh from one to one and a half kilograms, sometimes their body weight reaches even 1.8 kilograms. The muscular body of muskrats is 23 to 36 cm long, not counting the tail, which is very developed in these rodents, and is comparable in size to the length of the body.

Sexual dimorphism in muskrats is not very pronounced, that is, at first glance, it is rather problematic to distinguish a female from a male.

The entire appearance of the representatives of this species speaks of their lifestyle - each part of the body is well adapted for a long stay in the water: ears slightly protruding from the dense fur, small and rather high-set eyes. On the lips of muskrats, similar to beavers, long incisors grow, delimiting the oral cavity. Therefore, animals are able to gnaw various plants while under water, and at the same time do not experience the slightest discomfort.

Even the fur of muskrats is perfectly adapted for the aquatic lifestyle: it is very thick and dense, it is practically waterproof. According to zoologists, each of the muskrats carefully and regularly takes care of their "fur coat", lubricating the fur with fat, and then combing it.

Unique features of musk rats

Having studied the blood tests of muskrats, scientists found a significantly increased level of hemoglobin, while a solid supply of myoglobin was previously found in the muscles of these animals. As the researchers suggested, in this way, in the process of evolution, the body of mucus rats acquired the ability to accumulate an additional supply of oxygen, which is necessary for underwater diving. Another feature of muskrats is heterothermia - the ability to control blood flow to the tail and legs - usually their limbs are colder than the temperature of the torso and head.

Muskrats usually live in family groups, building burrows and huts in the high banks. The length of the passages dug by them can reach 10 meters. Animals usually form the entrance to their house under water, so that it is not visible - muskrats are forced to lead a cautious lifestyle so as not to become prey for various predators - raccoons and raccoon dogs, alligators, otters, and also pikes. Muskrat dwellings are distinguished by a special structure: animals arrange them in the form of two floors, connected by passages in case of a sharp change in the water level. According to zoologists, the temperature in muskrat burrows is never below 0 °. even in the harshest winters. In addition to living chambers, thrifty muskrats masterfully dig their own pantries, where they bring food to prepare for winter.

In spring, female musk rats often drive their grown cubs away if overpopulation occurs on the territory of one family group, individuals even practice cannibalism. In spring and autumn, animals that have neither families nor their own foraging sites are able to make rather long migrations in order to find unoccupied reservoirs and food. Subsequently, on the shore, you can see how a new family of muskrats makes their houses and storerooms.
