Many people like Toy Terriers, because it is quite easy to keep them even in a small apartment. But not everyone knows where to buy a puppy of this breed and how to choose it. Which of the many toy terrier breeders who sell puppies can buy an animal so that later you will not regret your choice?

Over the past five to seven years, such a breed of dog as the Toy Terrier has gained immense popularity. Thousands of families would like to have such a touching tiny animal with big eyes in their home. Where can you buy a thoroughbred Toy Terrier?
Where is the best place to buy a toy terrier puppy?
Toy Terrier is a very popular and in great demand breed, so there are many breeders of such dogs. It is best to visit several of them, examine puppies from different litters; at the same time, in each of them, you can select for yourself the one that you like more than the rest. If you are afraid that while you go to other breeders, the puppy you like may be bought, then leave a deposit to its owners. The deposit is not refundable, but the amount is not too large. If you did not leave a deposit, but the breeder tries to pressure you, saying that because of your interest in the puppy he turned several potential buyers away, then this does not mean at all that you should buy this particular dog. In the end, the doggie will live in your house for many years, and you have every right to meticulously choose your companion for such a period.

Serious breeders or a decent kennel of toy terriers will not only offer you to sign a contract for the purchase of a dog, but will also allow you to consider both parents of the puppy. This will give you a rough idea of how your pet will look when it reaches the age of an adult dog. At the same time, it is important to understand that the mother of puppies may not look the best way: in toy terriers, pregnancy does not have a very good effect on the condition of the coat, and on the appearance in general - this should not bother you, because the animal will soon recover completely.

You should not be surprised if breeders ask you about the conditions in which you will keep the dog. On the contrary, this should please you, because it means that they sincerely love their animals and take a responsible approach to their breeding.

Where not to buy a toy terrier?

It is better not to buy a puppy in the market, because it may not be a toy terrier, but a mongrel animal that will look like a puppy of the breed you are interested in, and only until it grows up. In addition, there is a huge risk on the market to buy a sick animal, and it is not a fact that the infection it suffers from will be safe for people.

Even if the puppies sold on the market are purebred toy terriers, the conditions in which they are sold, namely cold or heat, wind or rain, can affect the fragile health of these babies in the most negative way. If the puppy gets sick while already in your house, then you will have to treat it, and there will be no one to make claims.