How To Keep Dzungarian Hamsters

How To Keep Dzungarian Hamsters
How To Keep Dzungarian Hamsters

In order for this miniature pet to feel comfortable in captivity, it needs to create special conditions of detention, taking into account the natural biological rhythm of the animal and its needs. The basis of the diet of dzungariks should be a certain list of products.

Dzungarian hamster
Dzungarian hamster

These miniature rodents are quite unpretentious and do not need special care. But in order for Dzungarian hamsters to feel comfortable and develop well, special conditions must be created for them.

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how to wash hamsters

Features of keeping Dzungarian hamsters

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how and how to wash a Dzungarian hamster

These animals change their coat color in late autumn - early winter. Molting occurs even in home conditions, but at a temperature not higher than + 10 * C. On average, this process takes place within 6 weeks, so during this period it is necessary to change the litter more often, which should consist of sawdust. The Dzungarian hamster thrives best in a spacious cage or aquarium. Since this animal belongs to dwarf rodents and grows to a maximum of 10 cm in length, the optimal size of the container for keeping it is 30/70 cm.

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For this animal, it is important to move a lot and almost incessantly, so you need to install a small running wheel in the cage. To prevent the hamster from damaging his paws on it, the surface of this product must be solid. A house for the animal, a feeder and a drinking bowl are also needed in a cage. The bottom in it should be covered with a 2-3 cm layer of fine-chip sawdust. Although these miniature hamsters are virtually odorless, the cage should be cleaned at least once a week. It should be installed where there are no drafts.

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how to distinguish between a male and a female Dzungarian hamster

These animals belong to crepuscular animals that are active at night. This is the first thing to consider when caring for your hamster, and not disturb him during the day when he sleeps. This will allow not to disrupt the natural biological rhythm of the animal and will enable it to avoid many diseases. You should know that bathing a dzhungarik in water is extremely dangerous for his health. In order for the animal to clean its fur, a special “bathing suit” filled with sand must be installed in the cage.

conditions of keeping the Dzungarian hamster
conditions of keeping the Dzungarian hamster

How to feed Dzungarian hamsters?

The diet of the animal should be varied, but the basis of its daily diet should be various nuts and sprouted wheat (you can replace it with alfalfa or bamboo). It is recommended that you give your hamster seeds of sunflower, pumpkin or melon. Of cereals, he prefers buckwheat, peas and oats. Vegetables will also benefit the animal: carrots, radishes, tomatoes, eggplant, turnips. Will gladly eat the hamster and corn kernels. In the summer, he can be fed dandelion leaves, fresh dill and parsley, clover. In winter, you need to regularly give various dried fruits.
