How To Raise Peking Ducklings

How To Raise Peking Ducklings
How To Raise Peking Ducklings

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It is better to go for young growth not in early spring, but in mid-July, so that the ducks will grow up in time for September. It is easier to feed them during this period, since there is already a lot of greenery. It is better to take ducklings from broilers, at a poultry farm, they always quickly gain weight and give large carcasses.

How to raise Peking ducklings
How to raise Peking ducklings


Step 1

The first time you need to keep the ducklings in the house in a large box. Instead of the mother of the duck, they are heated by a 3-liter jar with an electric light inside. On the 5-7th day, if the weather is good, take them out to walk on the grass. And on the tenth, since the ducklings begin to bathe in the drinking bowls, you can move outside to a small mesh enclosure, in which there is a small house for spending the night.

Step 2

First of all, as soon as you release them into the box, you need to water each duck with boiled water from a spoon, and then give hard-boiled chicken eggs. On the second day, add cottage cheese, bran, poultry feed, corn and oatmeal to them (you can use any small one, except rye). And after 3-4 days, add finely chopped greens. Until a month old, add fish oil to the mash. With this feeding, ducklings grow quickly and do not get sick. You just need to be prepared for the fact that there is always a lot of dampness from them.

Step 3

It is most beneficial to feed the ducklings with mash. They should be wet (moisten them with what is at hand: buttermilk, yogurt, meat or fish broth), but crumbly - pour no more than 40% liquid. Too liquid or viscous and sticky, like dough, are not suitable, as they clog the noses of the ducklings and glue the ventricles, which can even cause them to die. In the mash, in addition to crushed grain and compound feed, add up to half of greens or duckweed. Food with boiled potatoes and fish, chopped with bones, is willingly eaten. Give the mash only fresh, cook them before each feeding, sour ones cause indigestion in the ducklings. At night, you can sprinkle them with chopped apples, chopped zucchini, fodder beets and carrots.

Step 4

And ducklings should always have fresh water so that they can rinse their nose in it (but not swim!). For small ducklings, arrange a drinker from a low, but wide old frying pan, into which insert a jar of water upside down in the center. For adult birds, use two wide basins.
