People love cats not only for their grace and tenderness. It has long been noticed that contact with these animals has a positive effect on well-being. It is enough to put the cat on your knees, stroke and listen to the monotonous rumbling for several minutes, as the nerves calm down, the mood improves, and headaches disappear.

Cats are born healers, most often they are the first to find the focus of the disease and begin to treat it, getting closer to the sore spot or laying right on it. There is no need to resist: the animal in this way shows its concern for you. It has been noticed that the more the cat is attached to the owner, the more acutely it expresses its anxiety in case of any trouble in its body. Scientists note the healing energy of these animals, and in females it is the strongest. People with cats are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and five times less likely to seek medical help.
You can engage in felin therapy (treatment with a cat) during feeding, during the game, or when the animal is in a calm state, simply by placing the animal on its knees. If the cat does not like being forced, do not hold it, the animal will not heal forcibly. But if everything happens of its own free will, then the cat is able to heal you from many diseases.
If you cannot sleep, place the cat on a mat on the table. Sit down at the table and press your pet to the forehead. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Sessions are held every other day, in total, 10-20 procedures are needed to relieve insomnia.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the cat should be placed on the solar plexus area and lie quietly for 5-7 minutes. The full course is 10-12 procedures, carried out daily or every other day.
Bronchopulmonary diseases
In case of pulmonary diseases, a cat, or even better a kitten, should be placed on the chest area. The duration of the procedure is 8 minutes. Then the patient turns over on his stomach, and the assistant puts the cat on his back between the shoulder blades. The procedures are carried out daily or every other day, in total 10-12 sessions are needed.
In this case, the cat is placed on the back of the feet and kept as long as possible. Treatment is carried out daily, the course is at least 3-4 procedures.
In case of osteochondrosis, the animal should be placed on a sore back for 10-15 minutes daily. The treatment is long, the course is at least 18 procedures.
In case of depression, you need to put the cat on your lap, pet it for a few minutes and listen to the rumbling. Scientists have proven that the frequency of vibration of a cat's rumbling has a beneficial effect on the body, relieves stress, and promotes the treatment and prevention of many diseases. A simple game with an animal calms the nerves and cheers up.
For hypertension, it is most beneficial to wear a "cat collar" by placing the cat on the neck. This should be done three times a day for 3-5 minutes. in total, 10-15 sessions will be required.
Sexual Disorders
In this case, the animal should be placed on the buttocks. You will have to lie down for a long time, as long as you and the cat have enough patience. The procedures are carried out daily, every other day, at least 25 times.