If your cat begins to drink a lot, while she has lost weight, she has bad breath and sometimes vomiting, any of these manifestations can be regarded as a sign of the disease. Anyone who knows his pet well will find these signs that are not typical of the normal state and behavior of a cat. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, because these symptoms are characteristic of kidney disease.

Step 1
Before consulting a veterinarian, it is advisable to keep your pet on a one-day fasting diet.

Step 2
If your pet has been diagnosed with kidney failure, read the information about the condition.
Renal failure is a progressive impairment of kidney function in which the excretory system fails and metabolic products begin to accumulate in the animal's body. The disease has an acute and chronic form. At an early stage of detection, with appropriate treatment, the life span of a cat is quite long. Therefore, strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Step 3
The course of treatment for renal failure consists of symptomatic measures and prevention of the development of the disease. If your pet is dehydrated, give it an intravenous infusion. With repeated vomiting, antiemetic drugs are prescribed. If the animal has lost a lot of weight, a high-calorie diet is prescribed, appetite stimulation with various special permitted additives, and even feeding through a tube.

Step 4
If the disease has become chronic, then, in addition to consulting a specialist, your cat will need additional examination methods. They usually include a general and biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis and an ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Step 5
After establishing the diagnosis, follow all the doctor's prescriptions, observe the condition of the animal, inform the veterinarian about all changes in the cat's well-being and behavior, and protect it from stressful situations. For the prevention of the development of the disease, it is very important to introduce a dietary food without salt and spices in order to limit the intake of phosphorus from food. The diet should be based on lowering the amount of protein. Pet stores offer a large selection of ready-made food for animals suffering from kidney failure.