What Animal Is Translated From Persian As "fire Inside"

What Animal Is Translated From Persian As "fire Inside"
What Animal Is Translated From Persian As "fire Inside"

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Very often, the salamander is associated with fire. In many myths, there is a mention of this legendary tailed amphibian. In Greek mythology, it was believed that the salamander, passing through the fire, extinguishes it, and at the same time does not burn itself. Christians believed that the salamander is a messenger from hell. Salamander, translated from Persian, means "fire inside".

Which animal is translated from Persian as
Which animal is translated from Persian as


Salamanders live in North America, western Ukraine and Asia Minor. The amphibian prefers moist mixed and deciduous forests, rolling hills, meadows and clearings. An important condition for the salamander to live is humidity. In hot hours, individuals live under stones and fallen trees. Dry weather harms the body of salamanders and can lead to death. A favorite place for amphibians is dark, damp places. Hunting of individuals takes place at night or at dusk. Salamanders feed mainly on earthworms extracted from the ground. Also, amphibians can hunt large insects such as spiders and butterflies. The amphibian catches prey by throwing forward with the whole body. The salamander then swallows its prey whole.

Salamander venom

All salamanders are endowed with a special poisonous substance. Chemists named it salamandrine. The poison is produced by the parotid glands of the paratids. It is quite viscous, smelling somewhat reminiscent of garlic or almonds. This poison is very toxic. During the hunt, the salamander does not use poison. It is necessary for amphibians solely for protection. When there is a risk to life, the salamander is able to spray poison at a distance of more than a meter. A toxic substance, getting into the enemy's body, causes severe respiratory failure, partial paralysis, arrhythmia, convulsions. For an animal, poison is necessary not only for protection from predators, but also for disinfection, as it has antifungal and antibacterial effects. The venom of the salamander belongs to a group of neurotoxins.

In the foothills of the Carpathians, one of the most poisonous representatives of salamanders, the Alpine black newt, is found. Its dimensions are very small - about 10 cm. It moves rather slowly. The glands of the animal secrete a secret that causes severe burns when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth.

Spotted salamander is considered a conditionally poisonous amphibian, since it does not have the ability to introduce poison into the blood. The poison is unable to act through the skin. Therefore, if the animal is not taken in hand, then it cannot cause significant harm. The poison, hitting the mucous membranes of a person, causes a burning sensation.

Salamanders live for about 25 years. The fire salamander is endowed with a bright black and yellow color. The body size can reach 30 centimeters with the tail. Such a bright coloration serves as a warning to enemies.
