Keeping and breeding quail has some advantages over caring for other poultry. They begin to rush as early as 2 months, by the same age their growth ends. During the period of growth and development, quail can get sick.

Step 1
All diseases of quail are divided into infectious and non-infectious. The latter are divided into groups: diseases of the respiratory system, metabolic diseases, diseases of the digestive system and reproductive organs. Various injuries and fractures are surgical types of the disease.
Step 2
Quail infectious diseases: salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, psittacosis, pullorosis, Newcastle disease. Quails rarely get sick with these types of infection, since more often they are bred indoors, where carriers of diseases are not brought in. But if, nevertheless, the bird gets sick, then the death can be up to 100%.
Step 3
Disease prevention is considered the best defense against all diseases. Correct diet and adherence to all housing parameters will minimize the cost of poultry treatment.
Step 4
Quail signs of illness: refusal to eat, disheveled appearance, anxiety, signs of diarrhea. The unnatural behavior of the bird (lying on its side, closing its eyes, afraid of the light) also indicates the symptoms of the disease.
Step 5
Before starting treatment for quail, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. This can be done by a veterinarian. If the bird has died, then in order to identify the diagnosis and prevent the death of the rest of the livestock, it must be handed over to the veterinary laboratory. There they will perform an autopsy, conduct research and make an accurate diagnosis. If the bird has died from an infection, then the laboratory will do a titration and prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic.
Step 6
If a bird has died from a non-infectious disease, then after making tests, experts will write recommendations for caring for the bird. Such diseases include vitamin deficiencies, pecking, trauma and genetic diseases.
Step 7
At the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to show the quail to a veterinarian. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the sooner treatment will begin, and the possible saving of the bird's life.
Step 8
Recommended antibiotics for quail treatment: streptomycin, terramycin, tetracycline, penicillin and sulfonamides. They must be given along with drinking water or feed. There is also a method of administering the medicine individually to each bird.
Step 9
Treatment of vitamin deficiencies is reduced to the addition of various feed additives or premixes to the bird's diet. They contain the required daily intake of all vitamins and minerals.
Step 10
Treatment of helminthic invasions is carried out en masse, for the entire livestock. Anthelmintic preparations for birds have a wide range and act on all types of helminths.