Without a doubt, the dog is the most loyal, companionable and easily trained pet. The appearance, character of a dog, as well as mental abilities, depend on its belonging to a particular breed. And among these breeds, experts in the field of cynology have identified the ten most intelligent friends of man.

10. Australian Shepherd

At the end of the top 10 smartest dog breeds is the Australian Cattle Dog. This breed was developed in the United States in the last century by crossing several varieties of the Collie and the Pyrenean Sheepdog. A very active, cheerful dog. Easy to train, quickly learns commands. However, like any herding dog, the Australian needs regular exercise and running.
9. Rottweiler

A large, powerful dog with well-developed muscles. Males of this breed reach about 70 centimeters at the withers. The Rottweiler can become not only your loyal friend, but also a reliable guard of your home. Rottweilers, unlike shepherd dogs, are balanced and calm, they will never fuss. At a young age, Rottweilers can be aggressive towards other dogs. Despite the threatening appearance and established reputation of the Rottweiler, with proper education, he can be a meek and obedient dog.
8. Papillon

This small indoor fluffy dog, no more than 30 centimeters in length, was in the past a favorite of the representatives of the august families. This is a fairly ancient breed that appeared in the 14th century in France. Despite its toy appearance, the papillon is well trained, quickly remembers the basic commands and for a long time was considered the smartest dog among the European nobility.
Papillon (fr. Papillon - butterfly) owes its name to large erect ears, reminiscent of the wings of a butterfly. There is also a form with a lop-eared form, called phalene from the French phalène - moth.
7. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever breed appeared in Great Britain in 1903. Initially, dogs of this breed were attracted by fishermen. Labradors could be in the water for a long time, swam well, and were also strong enough to pull fishing nets ashore. Today the Labrador Retriever is the perfect companion dog. He is well trained, infinitely loyal to his master and gets along well with children and other pets. Its only drawback is the complete lack of aggression, so you should not expect the retriever to become a good watchman.
6. Sheltie (Scottish Shepherd)

Many people take the Scottish Shepherd for a collie, only of a smaller size, but this is a different breed of dog with its own individual characteristics. This small fluffy dog gives the deceptive impression of a spineless "plush" pet, but this is not at all the case. Initially, the Shelties were bred to graze flocks of sheep, and such an occupation requires composure and an iron character. The Scottish Shepherd Dog easily memorizes commands and even small tricks. She will adore her master, but treat other people with distrust and caution.
5. Doberman Pinscher
The Doberman Pinscher is a graceful large dog that was bred in Germany in 1800 as a service dog for the police and the army. Dobermans are strong, hardy animals, they need regular physical activity to maintain their health. Many consider the representatives of this breed to be aggressive, vicious and uncontrollable, but this is not the case. Like all service dogs, Dobermans need strict discipline and proper upbringing. When these simple conditions are fulfilled, you will get a loyal gentle friend who is ready to carry out any command at your first request.
4. Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever (or Golden Retriever) belongs to the group of retrievers and comes from the UK. According to history, Lord Tweedmouth crossed a tweed spaniel and a yellow straight-haired retriever to create a new breed of dog. Initially, goldens were used as hunting dogs, bringing killed game from the water. Today the Golden Retriever is increasingly being used as a companion dog for people with disabilities. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by amazing patience and dedication to the owner.
3. German Shepherd
A lot of films, both domestic and foreign, have been shot about the ingenuity and skills of the German Shepherd. The mental abilities of this dog have long been beyond doubt. German Shepherds were bred in Hanover in 1882 for the protection of territories and service. Despite the worldwide fame, the popularity of this breed undeservedly falls from year to year. But German shepherds feel great not only in the service, but also being pets. These dogs learn very quickly, carry out all the necessary commands, and are also excellent defenders of your home.
2. Poodle
Do not be surprised - this is not a mistake. The poodle is truly one of the smartest dog breeds. Today, most often we see these nice curly-haired dogs in the circus, performing various numbers for the amusement of the public, but before the poodles were successfully used for hunting, in search of truffles and as lifeguards on the water. Today, poodles are prized primarily for their decorative qualities, but you will be surprised how quickly a poodle will remember everything you teach him and how devotedly he will defend you if he feels threatened.
Researchers are comparing the Border Collie in intelligence to a four-year-old. Dogs of this breed are able to distinguish over 150 words, gestures and signals.
1. Border Collie
The leader of the ten smartest dogs is a little-known dog breed in our country - the Border Collie. This nice doggie, in appearance resembling an ordinary mongrel, was bred in Scotland at the end of the nineteenth century as a shepherd dog. Several years ago, the Border Collie became incredibly popular around the world for its intelligence, energy and friendliness. Dogs of this breed are perhaps the only ones to remember and begin to execute commands with one or two workouts, adore outdoor games, play with children with tenderness and caution and are ready to be next to their owner every minute.