Dolphins are intelligent and playful animals, communication with them has a therapeutic effect on humans. Children are especially sensitive to the kind and positive messages of these marine life. Still, you need to follow certain rules when communicating with dolphins in order to prevent accidents.

Do not in any way frighten or anger the dolphin. This is a predatory and large marine animal that can bite and severely injure a person if it suspects aggression from a person. Rely on the coach in your actions, listen to his advice and warnings. With proper communication, the dolphin will remain in a good mood and will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Respect the personality of this animal. Dolphins are highly developed creatures, therefore they have their own character. Don't try to get in touch with them right away, just stay close to the animals until they get used to you. Listen to the trainer, he will suggest the correct line of behavior in communicating with a particular dolphin.

Do not jump unexpectedly into the pool to the dolphin, from surprise he may get scared and take you for a potential threat. Descend calmly and slowly. In the event that you accidentally fall into the pool, do not panic and do not make sudden movements, follow the instructions of the trainer.

Do not feed dolphins without the permission of the trainer. The food you give may not please the animal or be harmful to it. Even if you feed the dolphin's usual fish, it may worry him that a complete stranger is trying to feed him. Try to treat the animal only after you establish contact with it.

Do not throw any foreign objects into the dolphin pool, this can only be done with the permission of the trainer. Before going down to the animal, remove all jewelry from yourself. Do not start touching the dolphin right away, the sea animal may not like it.

You will not be allowed to swim and interact with the dolphin if you are drunk. The same ban is imposed on people who suffer from any kind of skin, infectious and venereal diseases. You shouldn't be allergic to fish. Only children over five years old and adults who are not afraid of water can swim with dolphins.