How To Tell A Kitten A Cat From A Cat

How To Tell A Kitten A Cat From A Cat
How To Tell A Kitten A Cat From A Cat

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Determining the sex of kittens is often difficult: the genitals of babies are barely noticeable. And to be guided by the presence or absence of "bulges" is useless: the scrotum in small cats is often practically indistinguishable, but newborn cats may have swelling under the anus. Therefore, when determining the sex of a kitten, one must focus not on size, but on the shape and relative position of the genitals.

How to tell a kitten a cat from a cat
How to tell a kitten a cat from a cat


Step 1

It is better to determine the sex in a newborn, not yet fluffed kitten, in which case the urogenital openings, not covered with fluffy fur, are much easier to distinguish.

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Is it possible to distinguish a cat from a cat by the face

Step 2

Take the kitten in the palm of your hand, place it on its stomach and gently lift its tail. Below it, you will see two holes. Directly under the tail is the anus, which looks the same in both males and females and resembles a dot.

I can not tell a cat from a cat
I can not tell a cat from a cat

Step 3

The cat has a vulva just below the anus. In shape, it resembles a vertical slit and is located close to the anus. In general, the structure of the genitals of a female kitten resembles an inverted exclamation mark (or the letter "i").

how to tell a cat from a cat at 2 months
how to tell a cat from a cat at 2 months

Step 4

In males, the picture is slightly different: their urethra is round and located much lower. In kittens of the first month of life, the distance from the anal to the urethra is about a centimeter. In shape, the genitals of a kitten boy are most similar to a colon sign. Sometimes between these "points" you can feel small swellings with your finger: this is the forming scrotum. But in babies under the age of one and a half months, it can be completely invisible.

how to determine the sex of a kitten 1 month
how to determine the sex of a kitten 1 month

Step 5

In some cases, the sex of a kitten can be determined by color. Tortoiseshell (tricolor) animals are almost always cats, since for the appearance of such a color it is necessary that the animal has two X chromosomes. In male kittens, tortoiseshell color occurs only in very rare cases of genetic disorders, and such animals are sterile. A dark red color without spots and patterns is more common in cats, but nevertheless it happens in cats. Therefore, redness cannot be considered a sign of a cat.
