Flies are among the most prolific insects. Winged creatures are a constant companion of man. House flies are harmless, but they can carry some types of diseases. Garden representatives damage crops and fruit crops. Flies appear in early spring and disappear in late autumn. The wintering process for each species of these insects occurs in a different way.

How house flies winter
The life of a house fly, as a rule, lasts no more than one month. Insects that live in late autumn change very much with the onset of cold weather. If catching a fly in the summer is not an easy task, then before the beginning of winter they become lethargic, sleepy and slow. The main task of the fly during such a period is to find a reliable shelter with an even air temperature. As a rule, insects wintering places are cracks in window frames, basements of premises or balconies.
The opinion that houseflies begin to bite in the fall is erroneous. This type of insect is not at all prone to such types of aggression. Other species of flies bite a person - autumn flies.
As soon as the fly finds a place for wintering, it hibernates. All biological processes of the insect's body stop for six months. With the onset of the thaw, the flies gradually begin to wake up and return to their usual way of life.
The larvae and their pupae laid by insects are also inactive during the cold season. Life processes similarly begin to work after the temperature has returned to normal.

How street flies winter

By "street" flies are meant those insects that live in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards. The main diet of these representatives of the insect world is fruit and grain crops, corn and cereals.
The world of flies is represented by numerous species, the number of which exceeds one thousand. These insects are common on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.
Such flies hibernate in the ground. However, it is not always possible to hide properly, therefore most of the flies die from the cold, and only their larvae and cocoons hibernate. They hide, as a rule, in the stalks of cereals or in the soil.
The first flies emerge from the larvae already at the onset of the thaw. Their awakening is directly affected by the air temperature. All species of flies have in common the fact that the female can lay eggs almost everywhere - in plants, soil, food waste, in landfills and city trash cans. First, the eggs turn into larvae, and then, through several molts, pupae are formed, from which winged insects appear.
Before the onset of cold weather, female flies make the last clutches of eggs. However, those larvae that did not have time to turn into insects do not die, but fall asleep. They can survive almost any climatic conditions. Adults, on the other hand, most often cannot cope with sudden frosts.