If your gray gray is not talking to you, then only you are to blame. After all, Grays are recognized talkers among all parrots. They easily reproduce not only words or phrases, but are able to imitate even the timbre of a voice, its intonation, or some extraneous sounds. But keep in mind that Grays have a complex character, and in order for your pet to speak, you will have to try.

Step 1
When purchasing, select a young bird. The parrot should be calm, sociable and not afraid of people. A bird that watches you closely and actively listens to you has more ability to learn to speak. The optimal age for buying is 1-2 months.

Step 2
Be sure to let the bird adapt. This can take up to two to three weeks. All parrots can hardly tolerate changes in their environment. The older the parrot, the higher the stress for him. Take your time, let him settle in a new place.

Step 3
Accustom your parrot to your presence after he gets used to a new place. Take care of the bird, show it your friendliness. Speak in a calm tone and never raise your voice to the parrot. Get started when contact is established.
Step 4
Talk to your parrot all the time. Pronounce the words clearly and slowly. Call him affectionately by name. Comment on all your actions aloud. Do this every time you feed the bird, clean the cage, or simply approach the parrot.
Step 5
Remove distractions from the room, turn off the TV or music. The parrot is very curious and easily distracted, so the room should be quiet. Exercise at the same time every day, for example, after morning and evening feedings.
Step 6
It is not recommended to cover the cage with a dense cloth, the parrot may simply fall asleep. In addition, it will be easier for you to conduct training if you can see the reaction of the bird. Exercise twice a day for 15 minutes. Gradually, the class time can be increased.
Step 7
The parrot will more easily perceive a word that stands out in normal speech, so for the first time, choose a word that has hissing sounds or the sound "r". The word doesn't have to be long. Don't try to learn several words at once. Move on to a new word only after the bird pronounces the first clearly and confidently.
Step 8
Only one person should learn the first words with a parrot. Let this be the family member to whom the parrot treats with more sympathy. The bird must understand that the teacher is referring to her.
Step 9
The presence of a mirror stimulates the ability to talk very well. The parrot sees another bird in the mirror and wants to get its attention. It is very likely that he will try to do it in words. But for the time of study, remove the mirror from the cage.
Step 10
The lesson should only be voluntary. Do not force the bird to repeat the words if it has lost interest in you. Don't try to get her attention. Do not forget to praise the parrot after class, treat it with some delicacy. He will quickly understand the relationship between events and will want to earn delicious food again.