Yorkshire Terrier owners take the question of choosing a nickname for their little pet, which has appeared in the house, as seriously as the question of choosing a name for a child. It is not recommended to change the dog's nickname, as it is one of the main elements of the training process.

Step 1
If the dog is purebred, then the York puppy should be named in accordance with the rules of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). Usually this is the first name that the first owner assigns to him. The name should be a sign that determines the purity of the breed, it should consist not only of the name of the dog, but also the name of the kennel in which his parents and he are registered. Sometimes the breeder chooses the mother's name as an adjunct. There is one limitation - this prefix cannot have more than 15 letters in its name.

Step 2
RKF rules state that all litters of each breeder must be strictly observed. Therefore, they are assigned a letter in alphabetical order. Accordingly, the names of all puppies in a particular litter must begin at this registration. When buying a puppy in the club, you have the opportunity to name it yourself using the specified letter.

Step 3
The loud name that is written in your puppy's passport - his metric - for home use can be transformed into a simpler nickname, but it is advisable to keep the first letter of his litter registration in it.

Step 4
Even if you are very proud of your dog's pedigree and want those around you to understand how high his lineage is, do not choose a pretentious name, which will then be difficult to pronounce when calling her to you. In addition, RFA rules limit the number of words in a nickname to two. As a nickname for a Yorkie, you can choose English names and words, they will sound quite organic.

Step 5
Experienced dog lovers claim that dogs choose their own names. Call out to the puppy by going over several names. Observe his reaction, maybe it will be clearly expressed when you pronounce any one specific nickname. In the name of the dog, you can play up its appearance, perhaps it will make you associate with some objects, animals or people. For a York girl it is better to choose a gentle and melodic name, for a boy - playful and cocky. This will fully correspond to the character of these cheerful fidgets.