What You Need To Know About Musk Duck

What You Need To Know About Musk Duck
What You Need To Know About Musk Duck

The muscovy duck is an unpretentious bird, therefore, it is convenient for breeding in our climatic conditions. It is grown both on large farms and on small peasant farmsteads. Sometimes it can even be seen in summer cottages.

What you need to know about the musk duck
What you need to know about the musk duck

Muscovy duck is also called Indo-duck. This bird came to us from the Caribbean, where it was originally raised by local Indian tribes. This is where its second name comes from.

Unlike white ducks, the muscovy duck has a hard plumage, practically no fluff. Therefore, they do not collect down and feathers from it, which are intended for the production of pillows and feather beds. Duck meat is very useful and nutritious, contains little fat, lean, which distinguishes it favorably from ordinary duck. According to this indicator, it practically differs little from the wild duck. In its composition, musk duck meat contains various useful vitamins and trace elements, among which the most prominent are B vitamins and unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids. These substances and elements have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The duck grows quickly, not picky about food and conditions of its keeping. Her diet includes various greens: herbs, cabbage, beet tops. But at the same time, if you want the duck to grow fast enough and add weight, then you cannot do without feeding it with duck varieties of compound feed or ordinary bread. With a balanced diet, the duck reaches a sufficient weight for slaughter by the beginning of winter. A duck that has wintered will be able to lay eggs - just as tasty as chicken eggs, but healthier. They contain more protein, amino acids, more massive than chicken eggs. The egg production of a duck is higher than that of a chicken, which allows many owners to replace chickens with them.

The musk duck has excellent health, strong immunity to various diseases, but at the same time it does not tolerate excessive moisture. It is also not recommended for her to provide a place for bathing or swimming. Despite the fact that it belongs to waterfowl, a visit by a duck to a container of water on the site can lead to illness.

The muscovy duck is a friendly bird, it can be raised in the poultry yard with chickens, geese and other ducks. In addition, the duck has excellent quality - it does not quack, but hisses, thereby not creating unnecessary noise.

Although the muscovy duck is a domesticated bird, it retains the ability to fly. To avoid problems with the fact that the duck will fly over the fence of the courtyard and get to the neighbors or the garden, you need to clip its wings once a year. Moreover, one wing must be cut in order to unbalance the pre-flight orientation. If you cut two wings, then the duck, although not very far, will still be able to fly over.

Slaughter of poultry for meat occurs, as a rule, in winter, when duck meat has a juicy taste and contains the maximum amount of useful nutrients. Try to have a muscovy duck too. And then an exquisite dish will appear on your New Year's table - duck baked in the oven.
