Small decorative dogs - Yorkshire terriers are in great fashion today, and the cost of puppies is quite high. This factor prompts some owners of such dogs to think of becoming a Yorkie breeder and get, at first glance, fairly easy and big money.

The algorithm of actions is quite simple: you buy a puppy-girl of an elite show-class, raise it and, when the time comes, knit it with the same thoroughbred boy. After a couple of months you get a litter, and after a couple more, you sell the puppies and get a rather big amount of money. And now it is worth thinking about those, only some of the problems that you may encounter.
Mating and pregnancy
Needless to say, keeping a puppy, and then an adult Yorkie, is expensive. Before mating, you will also need to provide your dog with high quality food and do all the necessary tests and vaccinations. The same will need to be done by the owner of the dog so that he does not infect the dog with a disease, after which it will remain sterile. An inexperienced dog may simply not find an approach to the bitch or will be distracted at the most crucial moment, when the partners are in the "lock", suddenly rushing and tearing her internal organs. Mating with an experienced male also does not guarantee that it will not turn out to be "empty". And after successful mating with a bitch, which is still in the period of "hunting", you must not take your eyes off so that the neighbor's Sharik does not become a happy father of mestizo puppies. When, after learning about this, you decide to terminate the pregnancy, such an operation can also cause complications that lead to infertility.
Childbirth and rearing of puppies
The problem with such small breeds is always the size of the puppies - too large for the bitch's birth canal, which is often complicated by too little labor. As a result, puppies can die, suffocating before birth, and cause internal infection, leading to the death of the bitch. Acting instinctively, during a difficult birth, she can simply cripple the puppy, helping him with his teeth to quickly pass through the opening of the vulva. If the puppy gets stuck, the bitch will need urgent, qualified veterinary assistance, which you yourself cannot provide unless you are a veterinarian.
An inexperienced bitch can herself cause the death of an already born puppy, leaving him for some time in an unexploded fetal bladder or biting too close the umbilical cord and biting through the delicate skin on the baby's abdomen. It also happens that the born puppies for some reason do not like the bitch, and she can quite deliberately strangle them or even eat one at a time, already feeding them. After a time after giving birth, the dog may lose its uterus, which, of course, should be removed in order to forever forget about your dream of becoming a Yorkie breeder.