Raising chickens is an interesting and profitable activity. If all the rules are observed, the survival rate of day-old chicks is 98-100%. Small broilers gain weight quickly, reaching commercial weight by three months.

It is necessary
- - boxes;
- - feed;
- - drinking bowl;
- - feeders.
Step 1
Use cardboard or wooden crates to transport chicks from the hatchery. Place sawdust or straw in them. One box can carry no more than 20 heads of one day old chicks.
Step 2
As soon as the chicks arrive, place the chicks in the pre-prepared rearing boxes. If you have a chicken house and it is possible to maintain a temperature of 28-30 degrees using artificial heating, whitewash the room with slaked lime and divide it into small compartments.
Step 3
It is very important to maintain the correct temperature for the first week. Then the survival rate of young animals rises sharply. Daylight hours for chickens should be at least 19-20 hours. Therefore, it is rational to make additional lighting by placing fluorescent lamps throughout the poultry house.
Step 4
For the first three days, feed the chicks every hour. The diet should contain a finely chopped hard-boiled egg and a small amount of millet. Feed the food in trough-type feeders, water in a vacuum drinker. If it is not possible to purchase a special drinker, install a saucer in the feeding area, put a jar on it so that the young do not get wet at the watering hole.
Step 5
Every three days, chickens need to bury one drop of Trivit or Tetravit liquid vitamins into their beak. If you do not carry out the prevention of vitamin deficiency, the paws of broilers will hurt, which inevitably leads to the fact that the mortality rate will increase. In addition, to reduce mortality, water the chickens with a weak solution of potassium permanganate once a day.
Step 6
After three to four days, include chopped nettle, alfalfa, sainfoin, flour mixture moistened with whole milk or yogurt in the diet of young animals. After one week, the amount of green food in the chicks ration should be at least 40%.
Step 7
From the twentieth day, feed the young with carefully chopped boiled vegetables added to a mash of grain waste, give cottage cheese, corn. After one month, chickens can be kept in summer chicken coops. Separate chicks by 15 heads at night so that the grown chickens, which have not yet learned to sleep on poles, do not overwhelm each other.