How Many Weeks Does A Dog Get Pregnant?

How Many Weeks Does A Dog Get Pregnant?
How Many Weeks Does A Dog Get Pregnant?

Outwardly, it is quite difficult to determine the pregnancy of a dog in the early stages. There are certain signs, but their appearance may not be associated with fertilization. The gestation period for each dog is different. Behavior, changes in the body and the very terms from conception to birth of puppies differ.

Dog pregnancy
Dog pregnancy

Dates of pregnancy in dogs

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how to feed pregnant dogs

Most often, a dog's pregnancy lasts from 60 to 63 days. In some cases, this period can be up to 72-73 days. The range of gestation periods depends primarily on the individual characteristics of the dog.

Many dogs develop toxicosis during pregnancy. At the same time, appetite can both increase and disappear, however, food intake is usually accompanied by gag reflexes.

The vitality of the puppies born is usually not related to the length of the gestation period. Healthy puppies can appear both ahead of schedule and later than standard indicators. The main role in this case is played by the health of the dog itself.

The reasons for the non-viability of the offspring are, as a rule, the unpreparedness of the dog, injuries or bruises received during pregnancy, improper care of the owner or his inattention. If the puppies do not appear after 73 days of pregnancy, surgery is performed.

Features of pregnancy in dogs

How pregnancy progresses in dogs
How pregnancy progresses in dogs

In the early stages, only a very attentive owner can notice pregnancy. Changes occur with the color of the characteristic discharge and are observed in the behavior of the pet. The formation of the organs of future offspring occurs by the 15th day of pregnancy. By the 25th day, the size of the embryos already reaches 1 cm. During this period, you can determine how many puppies there will be in the offspring.

After 30 days of pregnancy, the changes become more pronounced. The belly of the dog is rounded, the chest becomes wider, the nipples swell.

After seven weeks of pregnancy, the puppies' bodies can be felt by hand. Their heartbeat is well listened to and sometimes you can notice how they move, changing their location.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, in some dogs, you can notice a kind of change in behavior - the animal tries to protect its belly, protecting the future offspring.

After 50 days of pregnancy, the dog begins preparing for childbirth. During this period, milk begins to be secreted, and the belly increases significantly in size.

Dog behavior during pregnancy

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how to feed a dachshund puppy

A dog's behavior can change repeatedly during pregnancy. Some individuals become aggressive, others, on the contrary, retire and refuse to walk. In addition, each individual's taste preferences and appetite change. Some dogs start to eat any food or become too finicky.

The reaction of dogs after childbirth is ambiguous. Some individuals do not interfere with the contact of the owner with the puppies, and sometimes the dog may categorically prohibit approaching its offspring.
