How To Feed Aquarium Fish

How To Feed Aquarium Fish
How To Feed Aquarium Fish

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There are many types of aquarium fish, which means that there are many types of food and feeding methods. Experts advise adhering to several important points so that the fish feel comfortable, grow well and give rich offspring.

How to feed aquarium fish
How to feed aquarium fish


Step 1

Follow these simple rules when feeding your aquarium fish:

- feed the fish 1-2 times a day at the same time of day;

- feed in one place. If there are many fish in the aquarium, strong fish do not allow the weak to swim - there should be several places for feeding;

- once a week arrange a “fasting day” for the fish, depriving them of food;

- use an automatic feeder if you are leaving for a long time and cannot feed the fish. However, keep in mind that the fish will live quite well without food for several days, therefore, in the event of a short absence, it is better not to delegate the care of your darlings to other people;

- diversify the menu, do not use only dry food. Be sure to add live food and plant elements (vitamins, scalded salad) to the diet;

- Feed your fish in moderation, as overfeeding is the most common cause of infertility, obesity and premature death of aquarium fish. Use the rule: you need to give as much food as the fish can eat within 5 minutes.

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Step 2

Place a plastic ring on the surface of the water and place a pinch of dry food inside. Note that some types of cereal take time to collect water. Therefore, to prevent the food from swelling in the stomachs of the fish, place it in water 5-10 minutes before feeding.

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turbidity at the bottom of the aquarium and plants

Step 3

Rinse live fish food in running cold water. Use tweezers to dip bloodworms, tubifex, cyclops, and other crustaceans into the water. To simplify the feeding process, place the food in a plastic mold with holes so that the live specimens will seep into the aquarium by themselves.


Step 4

Place frozen food in the trough immediately after thawing.

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Step 5

Feed the ground fish when others have stopped pouncing on food.

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Step 6

Remove excess food from the aquarium: collect dry food from the surface, and catch the remnants of live food with a net. Avoid frequent settling of uneaten food to the bottom, as this can cause sludge, cloudy water and excessive algae growth.
