Canned dog food can increase the lifespan of animals by 2-3 years, unlike ordinary human food, which often the owners try to feed their pets. And besides, such food is so convenient. There is no need to boil, steam and measure by grams. It is enough just to give the dog a certain dose, which is indicated on the package. Despite this, controversy around canned dog food continues to debate about its benefits and harms.

Canned dog food was a revolution in its time. After all, it has become much easier to feed the animals. However, next to their fans there were those who argued that such food negatively affects the health of dogs, and from them there is only one harm.
What are the Benefits of Prepared Canned Dog Food
Canned dog food has better taste and is more convenient for digestion than dry food or food from the master's table. This is due to the fact that when they are prepared, the composition is balanced, and the ingredients are selected by weight. For the most part, even the peculiarity of the dog is taken into account, for example, an adult, pregnant or lactating one.
75% of the composition in such a diet is water. At the same time, ready-made feed contains a greater amount of fat and is a fairly high-calorie product. This makes them an optimal product if the animal has a high energy requirement.
There are 2 types of meat feed:
- normal diet;
- a delicacy table.
The first type in its composition usually contains different ingredients (and far from the highest quality and best): animal tissues, soybeans, cereals. Due to this, they become cheaper. Gourmet canned meat consists of offal and soy. Soy gets its brown color, with which it imitates meat, due to dyes. These foods are high in protein, which leads to kidney problems in dogs. Delicate meals include offal such as shrimp, chicken, tuna, kidney, liver. Due to this, it receives an original taste and gains special popularity among tetrapods.
What are the disadvantages of canned meat
Feed, even made by well-known and large manufacturers, is deficient in nutrient composition, namely: lack of minerals. If you feed your pet too often, or even completely switch the dog to feed with it, you can get a number of bone problems. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate meat with dry food.
In addition, it should be understood that different manufacturers have different meanings under the name of the same substance. For example, in one food protein is one dose of a substance, and in another it is completely different. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about any kind of balance, because in each individual case it is calculated in its own way.