Play Is The Best Method For Training Dogs

Play Is The Best Method For Training Dogs
Play Is The Best Method For Training Dogs

A puppy appeared in the house. Small, awkward and unusually cute, he turned everyone's head. But if you do not immediately take up education, then he will do whatever he wants.

Play is the best method for training dogs
Play is the best method for training dogs

To raise a puppy well-mannered, it is necessary to work with him every day for several minutes, and the dog should perceive the "lessons" as a game - it will be easier to learn. It is necessary to praise the puppy more often, then learning will turn into pleasure.

  • The dog must respond to its name. It is better to choose something that is easy to pronounce and not add affectionate nicknames to it, they only confuse the dog.
  • The puppy will quickly learn not to get dirty in the room if it is fed at the same time and taken outside immediately after eating. But if it did happen, scold it with a strict "phew!"
  • The dog should walk down the street next to you, on a leash. Collar train her first. Put the collar on your puppy often, distracting him with play or food. Once the dog is used to the collar, attach the leash and walk around the room. Let the dog lead you. When you feel that the dog is used to the leash, start pulling it slightly towards you and say "close!"
  • Even at a very young age, the dog should come up to you on command. Use the natural tendency of the animal to be near you: if you move away from the puppy, and he goes to you, call him, at this moment with the command "to me!" For the puppy to learn the command, attach a thin rope to the collar and, saying "to me!", Gently pull it towards you. Praise.
  • The dog must sit on command. Holding the puppy by the head with one hand, press on the back with the other, giving the command "sit!" Praise.
  • Begging is a bad habit. Make it a rule not to give your puppy anything off the table.
