How To Choose A Shar Pei Puppy

How To Choose A Shar Pei Puppy
How To Choose A Shar Pei Puppy

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Since ancient times, the dog has been a devoted friend and helper of man. Regardless of what breed of dog you decide to buy, you must first of all clearly decide whether you are ready for such responsibility? If you can give your pet the time and care it needs, then welcome to the ranks of dog owners. Fans of Sharpei, when choosing a puppy, need to remember some nuances.

How to choose a Shar Pei puppy
How to choose a Shar Pei puppy


Step 1

It is not worth buying a puppy from strangers or from the market. The low price should alert you, a good purebred puppy cannot be cheap, if given almost for nothing, then either the animal is sick, or the dog has a defect. It is better to buy a puppy in a special nursery or from a professional breeder, having previously collected reviews about the seller. Kennels with a good reputation will certainly offer to conclude a written agreement for the sale of the puppy, which defines the responsibilities of the parties.

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Step 2

Ask to show you the parents of the animal you like, and it will also be useful to watch the adolescents from the previous litter. This will help you understand what the puppy will look like in the future. But remember that the bitch after giving birth is not in her best shape.

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knit clothes for a shar pei puppy

Step 3

Decide in advance what gender you want to buy. Bitches are usually more docile and affectionate, they better feel and understand the owner. Males are usually larger, they are more active and show character. It is better for novice dog breeders to buy a bitch, it will be easier to educate her.

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toys for sharpei do it yourself

Step 4

Examine your future pet very carefully. A healthy puppy should be active and playful. A healthy dog's nose is wet and cold (when the dog is awake). Pay attention to the ears and eyes of the animal, the ears should be clean and dry, without crusts and sticky deposits, and the eyes should be open, but not as large as in a shepherd or pug, without clouding and discharge. Look at the tongue and gums - they should be blue, although small pink spots on the tongue are allowed, and remember that the Shar Pei tongue takes on its permanent color only by 6 months. Shar-Pei bite is scissor-shaped. to bathe a Shar Pei and how many times to bathe a Shar Pei and how many times

Step 5

Pay attention to the color of the animal's coat, it should be even, without spots. Sharpeis are allowed 12 colors: black, lilac, chocolate, blue, red (mahogany), apricot, deer, red dilute, sable, cream, cream dilute (including platinum and platinum dilute) and isabella (isabella dilute). Sharpei wool is of two types: horse and brush. Horse - coat length 5-10 mm, the hair itself is straight and thick, prickly to the touch. With this coat, the puppy looks more impressive. Brush - hair length from 1 cm along the body - up to 2.5 cm at the withers and tail, on the muzzle and ears - shorter. Regardless of the type of coat, Shar Pei should not have an undercoat.

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how to name a shar pei dog

Step 6

Examine the puppy's torso. The rib cage should be developed, dewclaws on the hind legs are completely removed. The head should not be small in relation to the body. The puppy should have a strong bone, and the parallel forelimbs should be strictly under the body.

Step 7

Find out what vaccinations your puppy has already received and what else needs to be done. Do not forget to take the veterinary passport and pet's metric, which you can later exchange for a pedigree. Let your new pet bring you joy and become a family favorite.
