How To Attach A Kitten

How To Attach A Kitten
How To Attach A Kitten

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Perhaps, starting a cat, you did not think that in a year you will have to look for owners for several fluffy lumps. But now your kitty has brought offspring. And it is not so easy to attach the kids. You are surprised to find that kittens are not needed by anyone.

How to attach a kitten
How to attach a kitten


Step 1

If you are bringing the little ones to the pet market, be patient, stand and hand out yourself. Give them away, because it is really not easy to attach them for nothing, and even more so for money. Although, if you are offered some symbolic amount, do not refuse. After all, there is even a belief that you need to pay at least a ruble for an animal in order to take root.

Step 2

Just do not give it to dealers - people with many baskets and cages in which kittens and puppies huddle. On the one hand, it is convenient, because they go to the market as to work, it is easier for them to attach kittens. But you will never guess which of them will really give the baby into good hands, and who will throw it out into the street in a couple of days. Moreover, in order for them to agree to take the kittens, they themselves will have to pay extra.

Step 3

Ask your friends and acquaintances if someone wants to have a kitten. After all, it often happens that the previous cat is lost, or the mice overpowered. In the end, the child wanted a cat, so you will find the owner of the kitten. Just do not donate on your own initiative without knowing if the potential owner wants it. This applies not only to cats, but to all animals, even purebred ones. Alas, every year on the street there are many cats, dogs, rabbits, which are thoughtlessly presented in the corresponding year. How many rashly acquired animals are put out the door by family members who are categorically against the animal in the house.

Step 4

Place your ads on the Internet, since there are plenty of resources on which you can post free ads. Add photos, describe the dignity of the kids - maybe the cat taught them to catch mice or they are very clean. Such information will only increase the chances of finding good owners for pussies. Everything will definitely work out. On the other side of the monitor, at the other end of the city, there is probably someone who is looking for where to get a wonderful little kitten.
