There are many different exhibitions. Go to a dog show and find out how such events are held and what their features are, which dogs and their owners can take part, and just admire the magnificent animals.

Step 1
To participate in an exhibition, a dog must be thoroughbred and have a pedigree, like a hereditary aristocrat. She must fully comply with the exterior of the breed, without any special flaws affecting compliance with standards. Also, the temperament of the animal, its training and full compliance with the sexual characteristics of the species must be in accordance.

Step 2
In order to participate in the show, the age of the dog is not important. It's just that the exhibitions themselves are held in different age categories. From puppies, 3-6 months old, to veterans, over eight years old. A mark about the category is put the day before the opening of the show itself, that is, if the day before the opening the puppy was 6 months old, then he will participate in the youngest group, even if in a day he turns 7 months old. In order to take part in the most prestigious champion class, you will have to wait until your pet is 15 months old.

Step 3
Since puppies and adult dogs compete separately, the rewards for them are different. Thus, puppies are awarded with ribbons, the color differentiation of which depends on the puppy's prospects in the opinion of the commission. They are sighted from red to green. A green ribbon is given to puppies who are deemed unpromising. For those who are older, or juniors, the color gradation is more extensive. Excellent red, satisfactory yellow and white when the puppy is disqualified altogether. Green already means “good”.

Step 4
Dogs that are no longer considered puppies can receive a variety of titles at the show. The titles of the club champions, the best representatives of the breed, the best among males and bitches, the class winner are awarded, and a certificate of conformity is also awarded. All titles are assigned to dogs at shows if they have pedigrees in which at least three generations of ancestors for a given breed are recognized. Well, in order for a dog to be recognized as the champion of Russia, it must take part in a number of exhibitions, such as the regional "Candidate for Champion of the Federation", the All-Russian "Champion of the Federation" and the National Show. And get six certificates of different judges at these exhibitions. Or four certificates, if one of them was obtained at an international exhibition.

Step 5
Dog shows are a special show with their own specific atmosphere. Where else can you see so many thoroughbred, well-trained dogs at the same time? Dog shows are a spectacle where the owners showcase both the beauty of their pets and what they have been able to teach them. Well, of course it is also a sports competition for titles and titles. It is possible to describe it for a long time and beautifully, but this is the very case when it is better to look once than to read it a hundred times.