A dog's nutrition is the basis of its longevity, health and good mood. Today dry food is gaining popularity. They are easy to use, economical and balanced enough. However, the diet of the pug should be approached carefully.

Dry food is the choice of busy people

What to feed the dog: natural food or dry food, the owner chooses. If you decide to have a pug, carefully read the nutritional rules of this breed. Its problem is that the dog is almost omnivorous, allergic, very prone to overweight and requires a lot of vitamins.
Allergies haunt almost all pugs. The main foods that cause severe dermatitis are poultry and fish. Also, unpleasant rashes can be caused by dairy products, some types of vegetables.
Naturally feeding pugs seems simple at first glance. However, breeders recommend using fresh meat (mainly beef, tripe), vegetables, and dairy products as food. The food must be firm, always fresh, any other food is strictly prohibited. Special vitamins are also required: they will strengthen the bones and joints of the paws, which need to withstand the weight of a rather large body.
With dry food, everything is more elementary. Quality products have a balanced composition, where vitamins and minerals are clearly distributed. You can also choose the optimal ratio of fat-protein-carbohydrates. Thanks to clear recommendations, it will be easy for you to control the portion - the dog will always be full, but not overfed. If you decide to use dry food for feeding your pug, take your product seriously.
Dry food for pug: complete diet and safety

Not every dry food is suitable for a delicate, allergic pug dog. Remember: many products sold in pet stores do not meet high requirements. Always avoid bulk foods and colored foods. The dog does not care what color the filling of the bowl is, and dyes can cause severe dermatitis and inflammation in the pug.
Never practice mixed food: natural and dry. Each species requires its own gastric environment to digest. With a mixed diet, the activity of the internal organs is disrupted.
Special attention should be paid to "breed" feed. The renowned manufacturer Royal Canin has such a line. However, not all pugs should be fed such food. The fact is that the products from Canin are based on poultry meat - chicken. In order not to face allergic reactions, it is better to choose a more suitable food.
For the pug, breeders recommend purchasing super premium food. They have the best balance of vitamins and minerals, manufacturers use only high-quality products. Also, in many high-class feeds there are herbal supplements that strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and save from many infections.
From the brands that produce high-class food, pay attention to Orijen, Acana, Go Natural Holistic. Most often, pug owners prefer products with lamb, duck or fish as the main ingredient. The German food of the super-premium class Wolfsblut also deserves attention. The manufacturer offers a wide range of flavors: from the usual lamb to the exotic Australian kangaroo.
The advantage of these feeds is also the publicly available information on the ingredients, content and quantity of trace elements (which is important for pugs who have suffered any diseases). The downside is that you can hardly find them in retail stores. Basically, they need to be ordered online.