Meat and bone meal is a useful mineral supplement that is included in the diet of animals to strengthen their immunity. Such a product is made from waste from the meat and fish industries. Meat and bones are carefully chopped and dried, resulting in a component that resembles ordinary flour in its consistency.

Bone Meal Making Process
Please note that the process of processing ingredients for its manufacture may be accompanied by a rather specific smell, therefore, if possible, it is better to carry it out in natural conditions, for example, in the country.
Make a regular fire. Once the first layer of firewood is burnt, place several types of bones on top of the charcoal - from cattle, birds, and fish. Put the second layer of wood on top and wait until the fire is completely burned out. If in the process of such processing the bones become soft, repeat the procedure. For the manufacture of bone meal, you have absolutely soft components.
Once the desired effect appears, gently lay the bones on a clean cloth or oilcloth. The grinding process can be carried out with any improvised object - a rolling pin, a round handle from a shovel or a bottle. If you need minimal portions of bone meal, for example, for feeding a pet, you can grind the bones using a conventional blender.
For the production of bone meal in large quantities, you cannot do without special equipment. You can make a crusher yourself if you have special skills. However, most often the bones are crushed using any grain processing machine.
Meat and bone meal can be made from more than just bones. If you add meat or egg shells to the standard set of ingredients, then the usefulness of the product will increase significantly.
It is difficult to make bone meal at home. You can try to cook the bones for a long time, but it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired softness. In this case, it is important to choose the right types of ingredients. For example, chicken necks or fish scraps are easy to boil to the desired consistency and then grind with a blender. Bones of cattle and small livestock must be subjected to more severe processing on a fire or in a furnace.
The benefits of bone meal
Bone meal contains record amounts of phosphorus and calcium. That is why it is used not only as a useful additive to feed, but also used as a remedy for weakened or sick animals.
Meat and bone meal is quite often found in the composition of mixed feed and dry feed for various types of animals. Regular consumption of it in food helps to strengthen the immune system, bone skeleton and physical endurance. This ingredient is usually mixed into the main food of the animal. Quite often, such flour is used even in poultry farming.