How To Treat Poisoning In Cats

How To Treat Poisoning In Cats
How To Treat Poisoning In Cats

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Cat owners should be prepared for the possibility that their pets can become victims of various diseases. Even proper grooming cannot insure a cat against certain problems. One of the most common diseases that owners face the need to treat is poisoning. At the same time, it is important not to harm the animal, but on time and, most importantly, correctly help him.

How to treat poisoning in cats
How to treat poisoning in cats

It is necessary

  • Activated carbon
  • tea
  • enema
  • salt
  • a blanket


Step 1

Symptoms of cat poisoning can vary in severity. This is due to the fact that the disease itself, like in humans, in animals can manifest itself in different forms and with varying degrees of severity.

cat food poisoning treatment
cat food poisoning treatment

Step 2

Act quickly. Poisoning manifests itself suddenly and develops rapidly. The first signs are expressed in chills, profuse saliva, rapid breathing. After these symptoms, vomiting, increased muscle contraction, and diarrhea appear. The behavior of the cat usually shows that it has a stomach ache, the general condition is characterized by apathy, or vice versa - increased excitement.

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liver recovery after hepatitis in cats

Step 3

Call your veterinarian, especially if you suspect severe poisoning. If possible, do not self-medicate so as not to harm the cat. However, do not sit in anticipation - it is in your power to alleviate the condition of your pet. The first step in helping an animal is to stop the spread of the poison and remove the dose that has already been received. This is done using various emetics. Do not forget that portions for cats should be different from those for humans: for example, if you use a solution of table salt, two teaspoons of a glass of water (always warm) is enough.

kidney treatment in cats
kidney treatment in cats

Step 4

Reduce the amount of poison in the blood. Give your cat plenty of water, give activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 5 kg of body weight and give an enema. You can also brew strong tea. Watch the heat exchange of the animal: in case of pronounced chills, wrap the cat with a blanket.

dog food poisoning
dog food poisoning

Step 5

Find out and eliminate the causes of poisoning after providing first aid. If you suspect that the food was to blame, it is better to refuse it and no longer give it to the pet. Take the cat to the clinic for examination, even if it seems that the poisoning has passed without a trace.
