Causes Of A Dog's Belly Rash

Causes Of A Dog's Belly Rash
Causes Of A Dog's Belly Rash

Dogs, like humans, can also get sick. Moreover, most of the diseases will be identical to human ones. It can be pneumonia, prostatitis, cystitis, and even a rash. When the owner of the dog sees that he has red spots on the skin, he falls into a stupor. In this case, you immediately need to see a doctor in order to understand what it is.

Causes of a dog's belly rash
Causes of a dog's belly rash

The appearance of rashes on the skin of a dog usually leads to the fact that the coat becomes dull, in places it can even fall out, the animal itself begins to itch. Moreover, this itching may not stop almost for a minute.

Naturally, the animal needs help. This gives him discomfort and can lead to quite serious health problems. Indeed, when combing with clawed paws, a dog can infect the deep layers of the skin, which will lead to the spread of infection, tissue inflammation and other problems.

Experts say that for any manifestation of a rash, even if it seems to you that it is normal, it is better to consult a specialist. This will help you not miss the start of something more serious.

Causes of rashes in dogs

Almost anything can cause rashes in dogs. For example, if an animal has fleas. Their bites will be small red specks that itch very badly.

Red, itchy patches can easily be caused by common food allergies, which are common in dogs in response to excessive protein intake. Therefore, first of all, it is worth checking the feed.

It is a mistake to assume that there is only protein in canned meat. It is found in both poultry and fish. So try to create a food diary for your pet and observe how it reacts.

In addition, an allergy can occur to the detergent. For example, if you changed the shampoo with which you washed your dog before, etc.

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treat fleas in dogs

What diseases does the appearance of a rash indicate?

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A rash that appears in a dog can indicate a huge number of different diseases. This is dermatitis and eczema, as well as lichen, scabies, giardiasis and other diseases.

Among the serious diseases that a rash may indicate, they call plague, tuberculosis, tumors, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

If you find a pet rash not only on the abdomen, but also on the inner thighs, near the anus, on the head, nose, lips and gums, he most likely has pyoderma - a pustular skin disease. It usually manifests itself when staphylococci and streptococci penetrate deeper into the skin and begin to multiply there.

The cause of pyoderma is increasingly becoming sublimated feed, unfavorable environmental conditions and a sedentary lifestyle of the animal.

Rash treatment

How Dogs See
How Dogs See

Naturally, the first thing to do is to cure the underlying disease that is causing the problem. After all, without this, the rash will appear again.

However, no one canceled symptomatic treatment to alleviate the condition of the animal. The best option would be to trim the hair on the affected area. First, the treatment will be more intensive. Secondly, nothing will additionally irritate the skin of the animal.

It will be necessary to treat damaged skin areas with disinfectant solutions. Such traditional drugs as brilliant green, iodine, etc. will be good in matters of treatment.

In advanced cases, you will have to give the animal a course of antibiotic. Which one, the doctor should say.

Naturally, any violations of the dog's condition lead to a decrease in immunity, so it will not be superfluous to include various vitamin complexes and immunomodulators in the pet's diet. All this will help the dog's body to cope with the disease faster.
