Causes Of The Appearance Of Crusts On The Nose In Cats

Causes Of The Appearance Of Crusts On The Nose In Cats
Causes Of The Appearance Of Crusts On The Nose In Cats

By the condition of the cat's nose, one can judge the health of the animal. In a healthy cat, the nose is clean, slightly moist, cool, after sleep it can be dry and warm. If crusts, discharge, wounds are visible on the animal's nose, this indicates the onset of a disease or injury. It will not be difficult for an attentive owner to notice violations in the well-being of the pet.

Reasons for the appearance of crusts on the nose of cats
Reasons for the appearance of crusts on the nose of cats


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The cause of the appearance of crusts can be injury - the thin sensitive skin of a cat's nose is easily injured. The cat could scratch his nose during the game, in a fight with fellow tribesmen, in case of an unsuccessful fall from a height. Examine the animal - if no damage is visible, the cat may have had nosebleeds and a crust formed by dried blood. Gently wipe the pet's face with damp cotton wool - if the crusts are easily separated and the skin under them is not changed, the cat behaves calmly, breathing is not difficult, most likely, the danger has already passed, but it is better to show the animal to the veterinarian in order to exclude injuries of internal organs.

If the cat's nose is scratched, the crust does not need to be separated - when it dries, it will go away by itself. Do not let the cat peel off the crust while washing, and if it interferes with breathing, soften it with warm water, chlorhexidine or petroleum jelly, remove and lubricate the exposed skin with a wound-healing preparation, preferably with antibacterial ingredients in the composition.

Infectious diseases

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swollen ear of a cat

Nasal discharge, solidifying in the form of crusts, can be a sign of a variety of diseases, including calicivirus, viral rhinotracheitis, and reovirus infection. Pay attention to the cat's behavior - has he become lethargic, depressed, has his appetite spoiled

A common cause of nasal crusts is a calicivirus infection (calicivirus). In this case, ulcers appear in the oral cavity.

If the cat sneezes often, rubs its muzzle with its paws, snores in its sleep, this may indicate that the animal is sick. Other signs of infection include fever, drooling, coughing, and green or yellow purulent discharge from the eyes.

Treatment for infectious diseases in cats is prescribed by a doctor. The earlier the symptoms of the disease are found in a cat, the earlier you need to contact the veterinarian - many diseases, especially kittens, old and weakened animals, develop very quickly, in the absence of adequate treatment, leading to death.

Skin and other diseases

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The appearance of crusts on the nose often accompanies fungal and bacterial skin lesions. If you suspect a fungus or bacterial infection, you should show the cat to the doctor so that the veterinarian can examine it - make a scraping, diagnose with an ultraviolet lamp. Other signs of skin diseases are cracks on the pads of the paws, ulceration and scratching of the skin, areas of split, falling hair.

It should not be forgotten that many skin infections of cats are dangerous for humans, so try to exclude contacts of younger family members with a sick cat, observe hygiene rules.

Sometimes the appearance of crusts on the nose in cats can be caused by allergies: it can be dried discharge from allergic rhinitis or skin irritation.
