Causes And Symptoms Of Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) In Cats

Causes And Symptoms Of Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) In Cats
Causes And Symptoms Of Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) In Cats

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Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a dangerous and in the early stages almost asymptomatic disease, in which the basic and vital functions of the kidneys are impaired. Their ability to remove metabolic products from the body is impaired, as well as to regulate the composition and volume of fluid in the body. All this leads to intoxication and dehydration of the animal.

Causes and symptoms of chronic renal failure (CRF) in cats
Causes and symptoms of chronic renal failure (CRF) in cats


Often, the signs of the disease at first glance do not cause any particular concern and therefore remain without due attention from the owners. Pay attention to the following symptoms:

- an increase in fluid intake, - frequent urination, - loss of appetite and as a result, and the weight of the animal, - vomiting (usually in the early morning), - bad breath, - Whitish gums and tongue.

- deterioration of the coat condition (dryness and loss), - apathy (depression), - grinding in the jaw.

The reasons

Often one or more factors can be the cause of the disease, and it is very difficult to find out the exact cause. The factors of the disease are:

- hereditary kidney disease (polycystic kidney disease), - various tumors and neoplasms of the kidneys, - infections that can occur in the bladder and further spread to the kidneys (pyelonephritis), - injuries and blows, - intoxication (poisoning with toxins);

- chronic inflammation in the kidneys and ureter (urolithiasis).

If your pet has at least one of the above symptoms, or you know about the presence of certain provoking diseases, then contact your veterinarian.


Chronic renal failure is incurable, but it can be improved. Treatment will be prescribed by a veterinarian and will be aimed at maintaining the condition of the animal. It will contain recommendations for special diets, medications, injections, as well as vitamins and homeopathic remedies. Health to your pets.
