Refusal to eat, general malaise, visible health problems of the animal - all this cannot be ignored. It is good if such problems are not related to health, but if treatment is necessary, especially at home, the owner of the animal faces his resistance to taking medications. If the medicine can be put in food, then this is a good solution to the problem, but what if the medicine needs to be given orally. This is where difficulties arise: the animal refuses to open its mouth and drink the remedy, it scratches, breaks out, as a result, the medication spills out and does not enter the cat's body.

There are various special devices in pet stores: a syringe, a dispenser, but many owners are so afraid of hurting their pet that they have to take it to the clinic, where experienced doctors give the medicine in a few seconds without spilling a drop. This method is good, but why waste time on the road if you can do otherwise.
How to give medication to a cat quickly and without stress?
It is strange that veterinarians themselves do not tell cat owners about such a rather easy way.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Prepare the required suspension.
2. Pour the prepared solution into a glass or jar lid.
3. Take a regular cotton pad.
4. Dip it into the medicine container. Notice how quickly the medication was absorbed by the disc.
5. Now grab the cat as it is comfortable for her, holding her head with her hands.
6. Take a cotton pad with your other hand.
7. Open the cat's mouth or place the disc on the side of the animal's naturally clenched jaw, spreading the cheek with your fingers.
8. Squeeze out the disc containing the fluid. The medicine easily enters the oral cavity.
Of course, this method does not solve the problem of snorting or general discontent of the animal. But in this way you will not hurt the cat, do not damage the gums, if you used a regular syringe.
For the first time, the medicine can be prepared in a double volume, and even if some part is spilled, the required dose will still enter the body.