Samoyed Dog Breed: Description, Characteristics

Samoyed Dog Breed: Description, Characteristics
Samoyed Dog Breed: Description, Characteristics

Samoyed dogs (Samoyeds) are one of the most attractive breeds. The name comes from a group of small northern peoples. The Far North is considered the homeland of the Samoyeds.

Samoyed dog breed: description, characteristics
Samoyed dog breed: description, characteristics

The origin of the breed

Samoyed dogs (Samoyeds) are descended from the Nenets Laika. According to the International Cynological Federation, they are classified as a Spitz group. Representatives of the Samoyed peoples, who were the ancestors of the Nenets and Enets, used dogs of this breed as helpers for herding reindeer, as well as for sledding. Samoyeds warmed people, helped them not to freeze. They have an amazing feature - when a dog is hugged by a person, it freezes and becomes almost motionless, so as not to disturb, not to wake up the owner.

The name of the breed most likely comes from the name of the northern people. But there is another version widespread among the people. The Samoyeds were harnessed to the sleigh. When the dogs were pulling the sled, their snow-white fur merged with the snow and it seemed that the sled was going by itself.

Features of the breed

The nature of the dog

The Samoyed is an outwardly very interesting and "talkative" dog. Representatives of this breed are lovers of barking, but their character is very peaceful. They love their masters and are distinguished by exceptional devotion. At the same time, for some Samoyeds, attempts were noticed to escape from people during a walk, so it is better to walk them in open areas on a leash.

Samoyed dogs are considered one of the funniest. They are happy to play with children, run after the ball. For a family with kids, the acquisition of such a breed is ideal. It is known that in some nomadic tribes it was customary to leave children, if necessary, to huskies and Samoyed dogs, which could sit motionless near the cradle with a sleeping baby. The Samoyeds play very carefully with children. These animals remain playful until old age. They get along well with other dogs or cats, which is very important in some situations.

Samoyeds are easy to train, but in the process of training they can show stubbornness. Breeders should be patient. If the animal does not want to follow this or that command, do not insist. It is better to postpone the training or continue it, but in a playful way. For seniors, these dogs can also make great friends and helpers. They quickly react to changes in the behavior of the owner, pay attention to certain sound signals, and therefore can be used as guides for the blind. Samoyeds are not suitable for protection.

Breed standard

There is a certain standard to be guided by when defining a breed. The Samoyeds are characterized by the following external signs:

  • stocky body of medium size;
  • straight, narrow back with well-defined shoulder joints;
  • straight, long and widely spaced legs, muscular hind legs with a pronounced hock;
  • wide neck curved forward;
  • wedge-shaped head with a powerful skull;
  • a nose with a straight back and well-developed nostrils (in young dogs the nose is black, but with age it becomes pale, and only the edging remains black);
  • fleshy lips with raised corners;
  • deep-set almond-shaped eyes;
  • fluffy, high-set tail;
  • white color (small areas of cream shade of wool are allowed).

Samoyeds weigh from 17 to 30 kg. The height at the withers of adult males is from 53 to 60 cm, bitches - from 53 to 56 cm. Small deviations downward are permissible.

Samoyed Spitz are distinguished by the shape of the structure of the head. On this basis, they are divided into several types:

  • bearish (the head is wider, the ears are rounded, the muzzle is short);
  • fox (head is pointed and long, ears are pointed, set high);
  • wolf (the skull is powerful, but the muzzle is more elongated in comparison with the bear type).

Breeders and lovers of this breed are well aware of such an expression as "Samoyed smile". When looking at these dogs, it seems that they are smiling. This impression is created by the slightly raised corners of the mouth and the unusual shape of the eyes. Samoyed puppies are very fluffy and look like plush toys.

Dog grooming

The average life expectancy of the Samoyeds is 10-15 years. It is highly dependent on the conditions of detention and care. For the establishment of dogs of this breed, a private house with a large territory and an aviary is ideal. In this case, the aviary must be sufficiently reliable. The dog easily makes tunnels and jumps over high obstacles. The Samoyeds feel embarrassed in the apartment. Content on the chain is also not suitable in this case.

Fluffy white wool requires special care. It should be brushed daily with a special brush. It is recommended to comb the animal with a metal comb during molting. Wash the coat with a detangling shampoo once a year. Professional breeders usually do this before shows.

Samoyeds are very active, so you need to regularly check their paws for damage. If necessary, the wounds should be treated with disinfectants.

Dog health

Samoyed dogs have good immunity. Up to a year, the puppy must be vaccinated against viral diseases: plague, enteritis, parainfluenza, hepatitis. By one year, an active dog is vaccinated against rabies.

The pathologies to which the representatives of the breed are susceptible include:

  • eye diseases (cataracts, retinal atrophy);
  • endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • dysplasia of the joints.

The white Samoyed dog is quite expensive. Before buying a puppy, be sure to study its pedigree, and also ask what diseases the parents of the pet were ill with. Many pathologies are inherited.

Feeding Samoyed Dogs

To keep your dog physically active and healthy, you need to feed it properly. High quality specialized feed can be used, but the price is quite high.

Samoyed puppies are meat eaters. Such dogs can be fed with natural products: meat, offal, cereals, vegetables. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance of intake of animal proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body to prevent the development of endocrine diseases, joint diseases.

Samoyeds cannot be fed with confectionery, smoked products, salty food and semi-finished products. Potatoes should be given with caution. For Samoyed dogs, two meals a day are preferred. They can be transferred to such a feeding regime after they reach the age of 7-8 months. If breeders feed the pet with natural products, vitamins must be additionally introduced into the animal's diet.