How To Legally Walk Dogs

How To Legally Walk Dogs
How To Legally Walk Dogs

The question of walking dogs is always relevant. He worries both lovers of four-legged and those who ignore them. In Russia, there is a law on this matter (No. 498-FZ), which was adopted in 2013. But since January 2019, changes have been made to it.

Walking dogs in the Russian Federation
Walking dogs in the Russian Federation

Normative document

All those who are related to pets, and in particular to dogs, should be familiar with the normative document "On the Responsible Treatment of Animals and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation". The regulation, which was adopted at the beginning of this year, is the main one at the moment, which defines how dogs should be walked and what should be remembered by their owners.

Dog walking
Dog walking

Dog walking areas

According to this law, dogs can be walked in any place except for the courtyards of multi-storey buildings, playgrounds. You cannot walk on the carriageways, on sports grounds, in various common areas of multi-storey buildings - an elevator, staircases, spans, etc.

In addition, prohibited places include places that are visited by a large number of people - shops, cafes, canteens, etc.

Law No. 498-FZ stipulates that local governments must determine places for walking dogs, which owners of animals must know about.


For violation of the law and improper walking of dogs, the owner faces a fine. Fines in each region of the Russian Federation are determined by the Administrative Code (Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses). They usually range from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. In addition, fines differ in size for ordinary citizens and for employees who perform professional duties. Some regions increase this fine if violations are repeated.

Service dogs
Service dogs

When to muzzle

Since January 2019, the rules for the use of a muzzle for dogs have changed.

Dog walking
Dog walking

These conditions have somewhat "softened". If earlier the dog had to put on a muzzle in any place where people gathered, now this is not necessary. But there is a condition: it is necessary to keep the pet on a leash when they cross the street (road), recreation areas, etc. Moreover, it is recommended to keep it on a short leash. This will allow, by pulling the leash in time, not to let the pet scare or bite passers-by. You should also be aware that those dogs that are potentially dangerous should wear a muzzle in any case. Collars should have tags with information about their owner: information about the dog, the owner's contact phone number, address.

Additional walking rules

In addition to the specified walking rules, the owner should know: you cannot walk several dogs at once, you should clean up after your pet, and for this you need to take everything you need with you.

Dog walking
Dog walking

Hypothetically dangerous dogs

Any dog can be both dangerous and non-dangerous. But there is a list of dogs hypothetically dangerous to humans. The following breeds are included in this list: Akbash, Ambuldog, North Caucasian dogs, Guldog, Brazilian Bulldog, Otto, Pit Bullmastiff, American Bandog, wolf-dog hybrids and wolfdogs, bandog and all mestizos of the above dogs.
