What Does A Spitz Look Like

What Does A Spitz Look Like
What Does A Spitz Look Like

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Representatives of a widespread breed of decorative dogs - Spitz, can be easily mistaken for a plush toy. But in character, this dog may well be compared with its adult brethren.

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Decorative Spitz looks like a small teddy bear

Spitz dogs

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The Pomeranian dog breed has a large number of variations. The extensive group of Spitz-like dogs includes dogs of medium and small breeds, which makes it possible to choose a pet for both a city apartment and for large rural areas. Their color can be very diverse: from crystal white to red, chocolate and black.

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The main distinguishing feature of the Spitz is a thick coat with a dense undercoat, due to which it is raised almost vertically. In addition, the characteristic features of the Spitz are sharp small erect ears, a bushy tail, twisted "like a ball", and a sharp muzzle resembling a fox.

Among the spitz-like dogs, there are such breeds as the American Eskimo dog, the Greenland dog, the Finnish Spitz or the Karelian-Finnish Laika, the Karelian bear dog. But the most spectacular and popular today are decorative breeds - German and Pomeranian.

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Decorative spitz

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The German Spitz is one of the oldest European breeds. Dogs of this species can be of different sizes: from 18 to 55 cm at the withers. They are well built and have a square shape, that is, their height is equal to the length of the body. The Spitz have a fairly strong physique and a voluminous chest. Lush coat does not hide the outline of the dog. The undercoat is soft, while the guard hair, on the other hand, is coarse and dense. Among the coat colors, the following are distinguished: black, brown, zone gray, white, orange, cream, part-color (multi-colored with the main white color). Cynologists distinguish between such breed height differences: Wolfspitz (Keshond), Grossspitz (large), Middle Spitz (medium), Kleinspitz (small).

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Some dog handlers consider the Pomeranian Spitz as a dwarf variety of the German Spitz (miniature Spitz), while others distinguish it as a separate breed. The Pomeranian spitz differs from the German in some respects. The coat of an orange is softer, wadded and padded; it is shorter on the face than on the body. In addition, among the external signs of the Pomeranian Spitz, a slightly rounded skull, small ears, not very widely spaced, can be distinguished. Dwarf Spitz can grow from 18 to 22 cm at the withers. Such dogs weigh on average 1, 4-3, 5 kg. In addition to the colors typical for the German Spitz (black, orange, cream, white, multi-colored), the hair of the Pomeranian Spitz can be black and tan, chocolate, red with niello (sable), blue, blue and tan colors.
