Among dog breeders, beginners and already experienced, one of the ancient dog breeds, namely the husky, is gaining popularity. And it is no coincidence, because despite their northern character, dogs are cute and, perhaps, no breed can compare with them in kindness. But buying the first puppy of this breed is still not worth it. The choice of a healthy pet with the qualities you require must be approached carefully.

Step 1
Decide for what purpose you have an animal. Do you want to exhibit it at exhibitions or organize a kind of nursery at home. Or maybe you just like husky puppies, and you are not at all interested in titles and pedigree. All this must be taken into account first of all when choosing a puppy.

Step 2
Browse the websites of nurseries available on the Internet, contact the breeders, if possible, arrange a personal meeting. So you can find out as much information as possible about the breeders of husky puppies in your city. And remember that it is not so easy to buy a puppy from a good breeder, because often there is a queue for such puppies even before they are born.

Step 3
Choose a puppy from breeders raising a small number of dogs, because this serves as a sure sign that the attitude towards puppies from such people is really warm and caring. These puppies will adapt better to new conditions and be more trainable.

Step 4
Ask to look at the puppy not standing on the table, as breeders often suggest, but in natural conditions. So you can really assess the indicators of his health and development in general. You can also ask for repeated visits to the breeder, this will allow the puppy to get used to you and not so tragically endure separation from his parents.

Step 5
Keep in mind that husky puppies already at 8 weeks old are formed in such a way that an experienced dog breeder can tell you for sure about the future proportions and development of the dog. And by 3 months you will already be able to assess the puppy's posture and movement. In general, it is worth noting that the main quality characteristics of husky dogs are medium height, ease of movement, soft coat, as well as an excellent balance of body proportions. If you notice any inconsistency with the above indicators in puppies, then you have either poorly groomed puppies or puppies that do not differ in the purity of the breed.