Caring for a Cocker Spaniel coat is demanding. Silky, but at the same time not too soft hair, which should be straightened, but at the same time wavy - these are the standards for the show specimen of the American Cocker Spaniel. Grooming is an integral part of caring for this breed of dog. Moreover, the hair on the head should be as short as possible, on the back and shoulders should have an average length, but on all other parts of the dog's body, the hair should be very long.

It is necessary
Electric clipper with attachments No. 10, 15, stripping, nail scissors with rounded ends
Step 1
Start your haircut from the head. To do this, take an electric typewriter with attachment No. 15. The hair on the head should be the same length down to the base of the ears. Pay attention to the tricky area that is near the upper and lower lips. The hair on the lower lip should be so short that the upper lip fits snugly against it. To trim the temples, crown and back of the head, use the head of the same number. Decorate with a small tuft (not too thick and long) from the forehead to the muzzle. To do this, use regular scissors.
Step 2
Cut the hair on the ears like this: cut two thirds of the base, which is approximately at eye level, with an electric clipper with a no. 10 attachment, and trim the remaining third slightly with scissors. With the same nozzle, trim the area to the shoulder-shoulder joint and keeping the lines smooth, to the beginning of the sternum. Pinch the neck on the sides and on the comb with a special comb - stripping, leaving the wool 1-2 cm long.
Step 3
Do not cut the hair on the body, but strip it. Hair on the abdomen, back, legs should be long and silky. Cut the wool on the docked tail with a wedge, and in the anus with a diamond.
Step 4
Leave the hair on the paws at its natural length, with the exception of the area between the pads and on the top of the paws (they should be visible). Use nail scissors to cut them, preferably with rounded ends. According to the anthology About Our Pets, be careful not to leave excess hair along the entire length of the paws: they should look straight, not twisted.
Step 5
Make sure that your dog's feet are visible after clipping while driving. The silhouette of the American Cocker Spaniel should be square rather than elongated. This effect can be achieved by profiling the hair on the ischial tubercles. Use tongs to trim your dog's claws as needed. Too long, they can affect the correct gait.