What Properties Does A Cocker Spaniel Have?

What Properties Does A Cocker Spaniel Have?
What Properties Does A Cocker Spaniel Have?

Cocker Spaniels, like the entire large group of breeds that have a general definition of "spaniel", are hunting dogs. However, this can be seen from their name, because it comes from the English. cock - woodcock. In order to find game and raise it "on the wing", as well as to look for shot birds, English Cocker Spaniels were originally bred, which were then used to create another breed - American Cocker Spaniels.

English cocker spaniel
English cocker spaniel

English cocker spaniels

bathing a cocker spaniel
bathing a cocker spaniel

This original English breed was recognized as such in 1892, it was purposefully bred for hunting small game. During the official existence of the breed, its standard has been clarified several times, the latest version, approved in 1969, is currently in force.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a small (up to 11 kg) dog with a well-proportioned physique, long ears and expressive eyes. Cockers, for the most part, have a good character and know how to get along with both children and pets. But, oddly enough, these seemingly completely "plush" dogs confidently hold the first place among other breeds in the number of bites that they inflict on their owners. This, of course, does not mean anger and absurd character, but it indicates that not all owners are serious about raising this breed, forgetting that it is not intended for lying on sofas and that it is necessary to constantly "work" with it.

Small membranes between the "fingers" make cockers excellent swimmers, and they love this activity to the point of self-forgetfulness - they are able, spreading their ears on the water, to swim across every puddle that comes across to them on the road while walking in the forest.

This breed, judging by the reviews, is distinguished by courage, firmness and fortitude, its representatives often get involved in fights with much larger and stronger rivals and often win because of their tenacity. When raising a puppy of this breed, take this feature into account and do not let him "forget", otherwise not only your hunt will be hopelessly spoiled by dog fights. Cockers are inborn hunters, their ability to serve is very well developed, they perceive the opportunity to give and bring something as a manifestation of love for their master, and not at all as a duty.

American cocker spaniels

The breed was officially registered in the 40s of the last century. English Cocker Spaniels were taken as the basis for breeding work, but the "Americans" are distinguished by their smaller stature, longer hair and characteristic long "pants" on their paws. There are differences in the shape of the skull and the size of the head.

If you are looking for an American Cocker Spaniel, be prepared to devote a lot of time to practicing and interacting with your pets. They especially need it.

Many people think that American Cocker Spaniels are an ornamental breed, but they are not. These are even the smallest in size, but they are hunting gun-search dogs intended for hunting small game. All working qualities of English cockers are fully inherent in American ones. It is an easy-to-train versatile dog that can be both a pet and an excellent watchdog.
