Having decided to get a dog, people hope that the four-legged companion will be with them, if not for the rest of their lives, then at least for most of it. Anxiously noticing the first signs of aging of the pet, the owner wonders how long a devoted friend will delight him with his company for a long time. So that the short age of the pet does not come as a surprise, even when choosing a puppy, you should think about how long the representatives of the breed you like live on average and how to influence the dog's life expectancy.

Step 1
The life expectancy of dogs of large breeds is short - their heart wears out faster, the load on the joints is higher. Great Danes and Bordeaux dogs, Irish wolfhounds, mastiffs, on average, live no more than 7-8 years, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards, with rare exceptions, live up to 9 years.

Step 2
There is a certain pattern between the size of the dog and the duration of its life - for example, if a German shepherd or Doberman becomes very old by the age of 10, then a tiny Pekingese or Shih Tzu at this age is still strong and full of vigor. Long-livers are most often found among representatives of such breeds as the Chihuahua, lapdog, toy terrier, Yorkshire terrier - these miniature dogs live up to 15 and even up to 20 years.

Step 3
Mestizos and mongrel dogs live longer than those with impressive pedigrees - of course, if you provide them with favorable conditions. Among stray dogs, long-livers cannot be found - the harsh conditions of the street, injuries and diseases do not allow them to live more than 5-8 years. However, a mongrel that fell into good hands at an early age can delight loving owners of 12-13 years and more, since the strong immunity of mongrel dogs and the absence of genetically determined diseases in them contribute to a higher life expectancy.

Step 4
The dog's age is not only determined by the breed. The conditions in which the animal is kept are very important. The prerequisites for health and longevity are a balanced diet, reasonable exercise, no stress, and good treatment. Your dog's health requires attention not only at an early age - with the first signs of aging, your pet needs special care. Even in old age, a dog can be quite vigorous and cheerful, and if properly cared for, you can extend the period of activity by a year or two.

Step 5
The short life expectancy of representatives of some breeds is explained by genetic diseases - purebred Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs, for example, are prone to cancer, and dachshunds suffer from joint diseases. Therefore, owners who want to extend the life of their pet should be more attentive to him and contact the veterinarian as soon as the dog has health problems.