How To Determine The Gender Of A Chicken

How To Determine The Gender Of A Chicken
How To Determine The Gender Of A Chicken

Table of contents:


There are several techniques to distinguish between future males and females. Knowledge and experience are required to accurately determine the sex characteristics of chicks.

How to determine the gender of a chicken
How to determine the gender of a chicken


Step 1

The best time to determine the sex of a chick is seven to twelve hours after hatching. First of all, clear the chick's colon of droppings. Then gently place it on your left palm with the back facing down. Press down on the head with your ring finger and little finger, and grab your right foot between your middle and index fingers. With your left thumb, pull the tail towards the back, lightly squeeze the area around the cloaca with your right thumb and forefinger, and twist the bottom a little. If a small bump with a diameter of about one millimeter is noticeable on the tummy, you have a cockerel in your hands. Females develop a small crease with excessive pressure. But if you slide your finger over it, it will disappear. This technique should not be used until the chicken is seven hours old. At this time, the walls of his gall sac and cloaca are very fragile. You can easily cause injury. After eighteen hours, the described sexual characteristic is smoothed out.

how to make a cage for chickens with a hen photo
how to make a cage for chickens with a hen photo

Step 2

It is possible to determine the sex of an egg-laying chicken when it reaches the age of ten to fifteen days. At this time, the comb and skeleton of the cockerels is clearly visible.

broilers are left in the winter
broilers are left in the winter

Step 3

Individuals of meat and egg breeds acquire the same sex differences only by the age of one and a half months. In addition, the shape of their lumbar feathers resembles pigtails. In females, they do not differ from the rest of the plumage.

How to find out the gender of a chicken
How to find out the gender of a chicken

Step 4

There is another way to determine the gender of a chicken. Take the chick by the scruff of the neck and lift it up a little. If he keeps his legs straight, this is a cockerel, and if he tries to spread them out and bend them, he is a chicken.
