What Are The Popular Cat Names

What Are The Popular Cat Names
What Are The Popular Cat Names

The name is important not only for humans but also for cats. He responds with pleasure to the correctly chosen name that the pet likes. And for the owners, it symbolizes the uniqueness of the animal and its character.

What are the popular cat names
What are the popular cat names

Choosing a name for a cat

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It is believed that it is better if the cat's name contains hissing, because the animal catches them better by ear. In fact, a cat's ear picks up much more sounds than a human's. But in cat's tongue, hiss and all hissing sounds mean a threat and a signal of danger. Therefore, it may be worth some more thought before calling the beast with a hissing name.

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Studies have shown that the consonants k and s are most clearly perceived by cats, which is probably why, at all times and in all languages, cats are called "kis-kis" or something similar in sound. However, cats understand very well and are distinguished by names that do not contain either k or s.

What's really good for cats is the short name. The fewer syllables in it, the faster animals remember it. Long beautiful names are good for a passport or pedigree, but short ones are good for casual everyday communication between the owner and the pet.

Popular names for cats

Probably the most familiar names are Murka, Musya or Vaska. If you ask your acquaintances, you will find that almost most of them have their cats named that way.

Often, when choosing, the owners are guided by how the little kitten behaves or how it looks. This is how the nicknames Sonya, Lump, Ryzhik, Fuzzy, Snowball, Devil and others appear. Indeed, the nature of the pet, its habits and appearance can help you make the right choice. Sometimes the owners, on the contrary, call the kitten according to a trait that he clearly does not possess. For example, they will call a Sphynx cat Fluff.

There are simple nicknames that are formed from human names: Basia, Kasya, Barsik, Masya, Dusya, Boris and others like that.

It is better not to delay the choice of a name for a kitten, even if it is difficult for you to decide. The sooner you start calling an animal by name, the sooner it will get used to it.

Complex names

If the cat is thoroughbred and has a pedigree, then it cannot be simply called Muska. Firstly, aristocratic origin dictates its own restrictions and rules, and secondly, they often require that the name of the beast begins with a certain letter or even be double. In this case, you can come up with anything you want, and call the cat at home by an abbreviated name.

But some owners indulge even the yard pets picked up near the entrance with pretentious names. So, the cat Dusya can have the full name of Dulcinea, and Kasia - Cassiopeia.