Straight Collar And Noose. Safety First

Straight Collar And Noose. Safety First
Straight Collar And Noose. Safety First

Questions of aesthetics when choosing ammunition for dogs of large and serious breeds recede into the background. Often an effective option for training and correcting the behavior of dogs is a strict collar (parfors) or a noose. A stranglehold is also necessary for normal daily wear on dogs whose head is narrower than the neck.

Straight collar and noose. Safety first
Straight collar and noose. Safety first

Straight collar - structure and functionality

The choice of a strict collar and a stranglehold must be approached more strictly than with ordinary ammunition, since a poor-quality product can fail at the most inopportune moment or cause significant inconvenience to the dog. It is advisable to consult a dog breeder who knows the characteristics of your pet when buying a strict collar.

The dog-collar is a set of connected spikes. Its size should fully correspond to the circumference of the neck behind the ears of the dog and, in a free position, not press too much or fall off. It is advisable to choose the option with spikes located perpendicular to the neck, and not at an angle. If possible, purchase a model with detachable links, it will be easier to fit it to the size of the dog.

The essence of the work of the put on "stricter" is that when jerking, the collar tightens, and the thorns on the inner surface dig into the dog's neck. As soon as the dog stops pulling, the ends of the strict collar diverge, and it lies freely around the neck without causing any inconvenience. This is precisely the corrective function of this ammunition. But it is not recommended for a beginner to use it on his own, since if mistreated, the animal can be embittered or injured.

Choosing a strict collar

When buying a strict collar for a dog, you need to make sure that all its links are securely fastened together, otherwise, with a strong jerk, they may disperse. Pay attention to the length of the ammunition: too narrow a parfos will be difficult to put on a dog, and from a wide one it will turn its head freely. When choosing a strict collar, it is important to take into account that, unlike strangleholds, they are subdivided not by length, but by weight into heavy, light and medium models, so you need to try on a dog before buying if you take a strict collar without a specialist.

The links of the snatch chains and guard collar must be tightly soldered or welded and made of a strong metal alloy. The rings must be sufficiently slippery for the dog to be able to handle the collar freely. For pets with long hair, it is better to choose a chain with a link size of 4-6 cm, in order to avoid pulling out the hair.

It is important to remember that this type of collar is used only during adjustments, the constant use of the "Stroke" while walking negatively affects the dog's control and general obedience.

Choosing a choke collar

A choke collar of a simpler design. It is a strong cloth or leather loop, passed through a metal ring and tightened around the neck when the leash is pulled. Such a collar is used both for training and behavior correction purposes, and for everyday wear in dogs with a narrow muzzle, in which the usual non-tightening version of the ammunition simply slides off the neck over the head. The stranglehold is usually put on the dog over the head and when choosing it, take into account the girth of the widest part of the head.


At exhibitions, special unobtrusive ringing straps are used to enter the ring. They are selected in accordance with the color of the dog or in contrast. Show collars are made of thin leather or braided cord and do not have buckles or any decorative elements.
