Increasingly, people, instead of ordinary pets such as dogs, cats, hamsters, birds and the like, prefer to keep exotic things in their apartments. And frogs are no exception. And even such an exotic "beast" wants to give a name. And in order not to be mistaken with the choice of the name, you need to determine the gender of your frog.

Step 1
When buying a frog at a pet store, take a close look at all individuals. Females, as a rule, are always larger than males, their body noticeably expands towards the pelvis. The body of males, on the contrary, is uniform along the entire length, and they look slightly flat. There are no sharp differences in color between female and male. Take the frog in your hands. Flip onto your back. And if you see a small protrusion between the legs that resembles a tail, then this is certainly not a male. Only females have such a protrusion, and this is the ovipositor.

Step 2
If you are purchasing a bull frog, look out for its eyes and eardrums. In males of these frogs, the eardrums are slightly larger than the eyes. In females, they are the same size as the eyes; in tree frogs, sex can be determined by the color of the skin on the lower jaw. Carefully turn the frog onto its back, examine the skin on the jaw. In females this area of skin is white, in males it is golden.

Step 3
Examine the frog's throat. Males have resonators in the form of small inflating sacs, which in some frog species are located on the throat (and are called throat resonators), and in others - on the sides of the head. Due to these resonators, males croak in a sonorous voice during the breeding season. Females do not usually croak.

Step 4
Examine the front legs of the amphibian. In males, growths can be observed in the form of a black brush, framing the fingers and lasting to the armpit. Or calluses that look like hardened white skin.

Step 5
One of the options for determining the sex of a frog can be an imitation of an amplexus. Take the frog with two fingers under the front paws, squeeze lightly. The male in this situation will certainly utter a cry.

Step 6
Keep in mind that whichever sex determination option you choose, none of them is able to help a novice amphibian lover know 100% who is in front of him - "boy" or "girl". In young individuals, it is generally impossible to determine the sex. It is best to consult with a specialist before buying a frog or invite him to a pet store with you.