The question of the need for sterilization of dogs is decided by everyone, based on his ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure. However, if you decide that your pet needs sterilization, it is important to ensure that the operation is performed correctly and as painlessly and safely as possible for the animal.

Step 1
Pay attention to all possible consequences of the operation so that you are prepared to deal with them if they occur. In particular, it was noted that as a result of sterilization, an increase in the growth of a dog can occur, which means that it will need special nutrition that prevents obesity and at the same time provides it with all the elements necessary for healthy growth and development.
Step 2
Do not read various mythical messages on internet sources. Seek professional advice. You will be told in detail about the various features of sterilization in a veterinary clinic, as well as in a kennel engaged in breeding dogs. So, on many sites there is a legend about the change in the behavior of dogs after sterilization. This is incorrect, if only simply because the female canine, unlike the male, is faced with a surge in hormones only a few times a year. The rest of the time, their behavior is not regulated by them. Accordingly, sterilization will not affect him in any way.
Step 3
Take all of the above steps before your pet is 5-6 months old, since the optimal sterilization operation is considered at this age. Please note that you also need to decide in advance whether the procedure will be performed at home or in a clinic, and choose the appropriate institution and doctor. Make a decision based not on your own interests, but focusing on the dog: performing this operation requires sterility, and if you are not ready to create such an environment at home, refuse home surgery. On the other hand, an overly nervous dog may be less likely to tolerate surgery in the clinic.
Step 4
Carefully study the features of postoperative care and prepare everything you need in advance. Prepare especially carefully for helping your dog recover from anesthesia. Be prepared for the fact that, like humans, animals also respond to it in accordance with their individual characteristics, and may not behave as described in the listing of standard symptoms.