If you are the owner of a cat and your animal is not involved in the breeding of a certain breed, then it is better to castrate it. This is done to suppress the cat's reproductive instinct and a quiet life for its owner.

Some owners hope that their pet will not start marking in corners and screaming at night. They buy a variety of hormonal pills and drops that help, but not for long, while harming the body. In the future, they come to the conclusion that it is time to do the castration.
When to have surgery?

There is a rule that castration can be prescribed for a cat from the age of 7 months. From this moment on, castration will not harm the body.
It is recommended to castrate a cat before the first mating, so he will not have a desire to reproduce in his memory, because the production of hormones occurs in the pituitary gland.
If, before castration, you have never taken the animal out into the street or you know that the cat may be afraid of going to the clinic, then you can do the castration at your home. The advantages of this option are that the animal is in a normal home environment and is less stressed. Saving the owner's time also has positive aspects. During the operation, he can carry out his household chores.
A week before the operation, the cat must be given an anthelmintic drug. 6 hours before the operation, the cat is assigned a starvation diet. All this is done in order to avoid postoperative complications in the animal.
How is castration done?

This operation is performed under general anesthesia. The operation takes 20-30 minutes, for this the cat is injected with an injection of a short duration of anesthesia.
The veterinary surgeon makes a dissection of the scrotum and ligates the spermatic cord, then removes the appendage itself. The operating wound is treated with an antiseptic solution. After castration, the animal is injected with an antibiotic.
In cats under anesthesia, the eyes remain open, this refers to the peculiarities of the feline species.
The owner of the animal after the operation must constantly be near him until the cat wakes up from anesthesia. Postoperative wound treatment is carried out once a day. This is done with hydrogen peroxide and iodine.
After castration, the animal can return to normal within a few hours. The cat begins to eat and walk to the litter box. For neutered cats, specialized food is recommended, which can be purchased at any food store.
After the operation, the cats remain the same, they lose the desire to reproduce and mark in the corners. They, as before, play, catch mice and love you.