How To Tame A Bird

How To Tame A Bird
How To Tame A Bird

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Has a winged inhabitant appeared in your house? Do not rush to tame him immediately, birds are very delicate creatures, and they need time to get used to a new place.

How to tame a bird
How to tame a bird


Step 1

In order to reduce the stress of transport, it is necessary to transport the new pet in a closed carrier with good ventilation. Prepare the bird cage in advance, be sure to add food and fresh water. Carefully remove the bird from the carrier and transfer it to the cage.

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tame birds to sit in a cage

Step 2

The bird will adapt to new living conditions for the first few days. During this period, she does not need to be disturbed. Place the crate out of reach of other pets. Explain to the children that the bird has to get used to it, so there is no need to go to the cage again, run around the room and scream loudly.

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Step 3

As soon as the bird gets used to it a little, it is necessary to regularly approach the cage, talking affectionately with the pet. You will see when the bird stops being afraid and shows interest in you, then you can try to open the cage door and offer the new settler a treat from your hand.

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Step 4

Birds are very shy creatures, so the first time they are unlikely to take a treat from their hands. You need to be patient and try to treat the bird regularly.

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Step 5

If the bird has eaten a treat, then next time try putting the treat in your palm. In order to reach it, your bird will have to sit on your fingers. During this time, try not to make sudden movements and talk to your pet in a loving and unremitting manner.

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Step 6

When the bird begins to eat freely in the palm of your hand, you can try feeding it outside the cage. To do this, place your palm against the entrance. The bird may want to explore the room. You can plant it back with the help of a treat, or feed poured into the feeder.
