How To Teach Kenara Singing

How To Teach Kenara Singing
How To Teach Kenara Singing

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Canaries are usually turned on because of their unique voice. After all, the males of these birds are not only able to sing cleanly and very beautifully, but also have excellent imitating abilities. The Kenars are able to copy tits, nightingales and many other birds, imitate human speech, and even copy musical melodies quite believably. But, of course, in order for the bird to learn all this, it is necessary to make some effort.

How to teach kenara singing
How to teach kenara singing

It is necessary

kenar, teacher bird, audio recording with song, shade blue or green


Step 1

The ability to sing beautifully among canaries is inherited. Therefore, if you certainly want to get the feathered Pavarotti at your own disposal, study the pedigree and purchase only birds from proven songbirds. However, heredity alone is not enough for your future performer's abilities to develop properly, he needs training. Indeed, in nature, birds learn to sing by imitating each other.

Step 2

A teacher must be purchased for the kenar. It can be either a more experienced canary, or any other bird that you want to teach a young talent to sing. Chaffinches, tits, nightingales and linnet will do. Place the cage with the teacher opposite the cage with your bird so that the student can see him. Singing training should be done in a separate room where blue or green shading is best.

Step 3

Singing lessons are best done in the morning and should not exceed 45 minutes. There should be at least three or four such lessons per day. Only in this case your feathered Pavarotti will be able to master all the wisdom of skillful singing and master the skill rather quickly. By the way, if you do not have a suitable bird at hand for training, it is quite possible to use high-quality audio recording for this purpose. The rules here remain the same - the duration is no more than 45 minutes and regular repetitions.
