How Can You Teach A Budgerigar To Talk?

How Can You Teach A Budgerigar To Talk?
How Can You Teach A Budgerigar To Talk?

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Budgerigars are extremely sociable birds. They are quite easy to train, and if you wish, you can teach them not only individual words, but also whole expressions. To work with your pet productively, you need to know some of the nuances.

It is necessary

Tape recorder, dictaphone


Step 1

A parrot can be taught to talk in the first four years of life. The most favorable period in this regard is the very first year. The bird will remember the memorized words and expressions all its life. Budgerigars can memorize from a couple of three to hundreds and even thousands of words!

Step 2

Do exercises with the parrot regularly, repeat this or that word or expression for 10-15 minutes in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to record it on a dictaphone and set the recording to autorepeat. Please note that the curious bird should not be distracted by any extraneous sounds. It is better to choose words without voiced consonants. Parrots are best at learning voiceless and hissing consonants. No wonder one of the most common nicknames for parrots are Kesha, Gosha and Yasha. First, teach him to pronounce his own name, and then move on to other words.

Step 3

Never yell at the parrot! Do not make sudden movements or intimidate him. There must be absolute trust between you and your bird. The parrot should not be afraid to sit on your shoulder or arm; friendship and trust are the keys to successful learning.

Step 4

If your parrot has already mastered certain words, but you do not want to stop there, you can start teaching him more "intelligent" speech. Most parrots repeat words out of place, like a memorized song, "advanced" are able to produce phrases that are adequate to the situation. Show your feathered objects related to your speech and take actions that match your words. For example, having said "go away", defiantly move away from the cage.

Step 5

Remove the mirror from the cage during class. Parrots do not recognize themselves in the reflection, so it is important that during the lessons "that other" does not distract him.
