What Is The Largest Gastropod Animal In The World

What Is The Largest Gastropod Animal In The World
What Is The Largest Gastropod Animal In The World

The largest gastropod mollusk is considered to be the African tiger snail. Its official name reflects the features of its size - the giant Achatina.

What is the largest gastropod animal in the world
What is the largest gastropod animal in the world

Typically, these snails do not exceed 30 centimeters from head to tail and 10 centimeters in diameter in a cone-shaped shell. A specimen was entered in the Guinness Book of Records, the body length of which reached almost 40 centimeters, and the shells - from the base to the top - more than 27. This Achatina weighed 900 grams.

Distribution history

The homeland of giant clams is the East African humid jungle. Local tribes used snail meat for food, and large beautiful shells were used as dishes and decorations. But even in spite of such a simple fishery, the population of these gastropods grew rapidly, mastering more and more territories. And soon the giant Achatina spread to the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and then to Asia.

From Japan, where farmers began to grow snails for culinary and medical purposes on an industrial scale, Achatina came to Europe and the United States. But if in France this animal had literally to the table and was bought for restaurants in huge lots, then in the American state of Florida, acquaintance with Achatina almost turned into an ecological disaster.

This gastropod is hermaphrodite, therefore, for its active reproduction, the sex of individuals in a pair does not matter. Such fertility, rapid growth and incredible gluttony of the Achatina led to the almost complete destruction of agricultural crops. In addition, giant snails swarmed around the walls of houses in whole flocks and ate plaster from them, probably to replenish the lack of minerals in the body. Only extreme measures and quarantine helped to stop the further spread of the mollusk in America.

Keeping Achatina at home

Recently, the extravagant African Achatina has become a popular pet. Keeping a snail as a pet is as easy as it is enjoyable. The mollusk, unpretentious in care and nutrition, as it turned out, is able to attach to its owner and avoid strangers. The researchers concluded that adult Achatina have a long-term memory and, unlike young animals, choose their favorite vacation spot, which they always return to.

This gastropod eats almost everything - from herbs and vegetables to milk and eggs, but salt, citrus fruits, coffee, fatty and spicy foods can lead to the death of the snail.

If you observe the temperature and humidity standards in the Achatina terrarium and provide her with a good varied diet, then you can enjoy the non-intrusive company of the largest mollusk for ten years.
