The World's Largest Parrot

The World's Largest Parrot
The World's Largest Parrot

Today, there are about 300 species of parrots on earth. They are all very diverse and each is interesting in its own way. Their largest representatives attract special attention. The largest parrot in terms of weight and body length can be considered a kakapo. This rare species is on the verge of extinction, therefore it is listed in the Red Book.

Kakapo - large owl parrot
Kakapo - large owl parrot

Bright multi-colored plumage, unusual habits, the ability to copy human speech attract attention, so parrots have become one of the most beloved pets. These are very sociable birds, they get along well with people and cannot stand loneliness, they are also considered the smartest birds living on Earth.

Kakapo - large owl parrot

Kakapo parrots live only on the territory of Navoi Zealand. The body length of an adult representative reaches 60 cm, a bird can weigh up to 4 kg. The life span of this species reaches 95 - 100 years. The color of the plumage of the kakapo is greenish-yellow with black stripes on the back, on the muzzle the feathers form a facial disk, like in owls. These birds give off a very pungent, but pleasant smell, similar to that of wildflowers.

Kakapo is the only species of parrots that cannot fly. Atrophied muscles and an underdeveloped keel allow the wings to be used only as a glider, descending from the top of the tree to the ground. These birds are nocturnal. During the day they sit in burrows or in crevices of rocks, and at night they go out to search for food. For this purpose, kakapos can pass up to several kilometers per night along already trodden paths. They feed on roots, berries, seeds and sap of plants, pollen of flowers, moss, mushrooms and even small reptiles.

Kakapo mating season

Kakapo's favorite treat is the seeds of the Rimu tree. The peak of active reproduction of these birds falls on the year of a bountiful harvest of the tree. This happens every 2 to 4 years. The mating season for kakapo lasts 3 - 4 months. During this period, males are very active. In order to attract the attention of the female, they emit a very loud cry, similar to the croaking of a crow. To better spread the sound around, they dig small bowl-shaped pits up to 10 cm deep and use them as a resonator. Males get together and compete with each other. Very often there are fights for the female, since among the individuals of this species, the number of males is much higher. During the mating ritual, they lose up to half of their weight.

Hearing the call of the male, the female kakapo often has to walk up to several kilometers. After some simple courtship, the mating process takes place. After which the female leaves, and the male continues to mourn, hoping to attract a new partner.

The female lays eggs 10 days after mating. The kakapo nest is arranged under tree branches, in stumps, holes, rock crevices. It is lined with tree dust or feathers. The laying of eggs and the hatched offspring is looked after by the female, leaving the nest at night to search for food.

Kakapo offspring

In clutch there are often 2, less often to 4 eggs. The incubation period is 30 days. The hatched chicks are deaf and blind in a gray cannon. They fledge within 10 to 12 weeks. After several weeks of the chicks' life, the female leaves the nest and returns only to feed the offspring for 6 months. After leaving the mother's nest, the chicks stay near it until the age of one year. Often only one chick survives from the clutch. Puberty occurs in males by 5 years, in females by 9 years.
