Among all the variety of birds on planet Earth, pelicans can be distinguished. These living creatures can amaze the imagination with their appearance and size. Birds of this species are among the most common in the world. The habitat of pelicans extends to almost all continents of the planet.

The pelican is the only representative of the family of the same name, which is part of the copepod (or pelican) squad. Six varieties of pelicans are common in the tropical zone, and two in the temperate zone. They are found on all continents of the planet with the exception of Antarctica.
These huge birds (weight up to 14 kg, body length up to 180 cm, wings span up to 2.5 m) only seem clumsy. Pelicans have hollow bones, loose plumage and air sacs under their skin, so they are light and beautiful in flight. In addition, pelicans swim great, but cannot dive. To correct this injustice, nature gave them a large leather bag attached to the mandible: with the help of such a net, skillful fishermen get their food.
Pelicans hunt in flocks, surrounding a school of fish and at the same time opening their beaks when it approaches. It is interesting that pelicans always swallow only weak and sick fish, thereby cleaning the reservoirs.
Pairs of pelicans are constant, and the males lure the females not with fights, but with songs. Caring birds are great parents. In conditions of fierce food competition, 1-2 chicks survive in the brood, but thanks to parental efforts in two and a half months they set off on their first flight as strong and dexterous birds.